9/11 was a horrible tragedy that befell our country. It was perpetrated by some very evil men. Namely Osama Bin Laden. He omitted to masterminding it. Yet there are still some people out there that believe there's some huge conspiracy, and that the real culprit is our own government. I just want to smack these people in the face.
There is no possible way for our government to pull this type of thing off and keep it such an utter secret. There would be just to many people involved. Eventually some big, rock solid proof would come out and it would be undone. And rock solid as in the guys who supposedly planted the bomb, or the top officials that gave the go ahead. These conspiracy nuts see these little inaccuracies in video footage and suddenly they think they have proof. Or you have people that hear rumors, and again suddenly it's fact in their eyes. Are people really that gullible that they will believe anything and everything that they hear?
So besides the fact that they wouldn't be able to keep it a secret, whats the motivation behind doing this? To invade Iraq and get the oil? Why then would they put the blame on a group (Al Qaueda) that has almost no ties with Iraq? And is in another country? If our government had all the resources, and gumption to pull something like this off and blame someone else, why then wouldn't they just point the finger at Saddam? It would have saved time, and there wouldn't have been another war going on while they fought in Iraq. On a side note, if our country was good enough to pull off 9/11 why then when they needed weapons of mass destruction in Iraq didn't they just put them there? If they're good enough for 9/11, you would think it would be a piece of cake to plant some nukes, or something.
These conspiracy nuts are just so full of hate and self loathing that they just want to tare down everything around them. They hate this great country so much that they will do and say anything to see it brought down. If you hate it that much get out. I won't apologise for what our country has to do to protect itself, and what it does to make sure that it's citizens have the best lives that they possibly can. But I know our great country wouldn't sink so low as to cause this horrible tragedy just to oust some dictator in another country and take the oil there. That's a load of bull, and you need to just shut your mouth.
8 years ago