Tuesday, December 25, 2007

O What A Wonderful Christmas

I started out my day by getting up at 6am. Driving to John's house through what can only be described as easily fixed driving conditions. It would have been easily fixed if the plows had been out doing their jobs. I got to John's at around 7. I said hi and merry Christmas to everyone, I said happy Hanuka to Emma but i don't think she knew how to respond to that. I started opening presents. They were exactly what I had asked for, dad just seems to know what to get. A waffle iron (I do love to eat), wool socks (I do love warm feet), new Dr Scholls sneakers (I needed some new kicks, and i love these, they are by far the most comfortable things ever), and then mom put the icing on the cake with a brand new brown jacket (it's not corduroy, but man o' man it sure is nice, almost to nice to wear out, but there's no way in hell I'm gonna let it just lay around).

Left John's at about 7:30 had to turn around and go back because I forgot my scarf and it was way to cold to be getting around without it. Got to work a little late and I've just been sitting around eating pizza, and watching movies since. Not exactly a traditional Christmas, but it ain't to bad. Could be worse I could be in the hospital with some sort of melting disease. Cause I think if there's one bad way to go it would be to slowly melt away.

Anyway, Merry Christmas!!!

Another Job!!!

Yes it's true I decided I'm not working enough during the week so I went and got my self a second job. It is just part time (28 hours a week), and it's only working four days a week. But it ain't all that hard seeing as how I've done the job before. You probably could guess what I'm doing, it's working at another car wash!

Now you might say that it's a step backwards, but in my mind it's not. It's only part time and it's not my primary source of income. Also there are a lot of people there that are my own age (or at least closer). I need to have a more diverse social life, and the car wash is usually very social. So why not make a few extra bucks (I made $100 in tips on Christmas eve), and meet a few new people. No harm in that.

At least I didn't go back to working fast food.

Monday, December 17, 2007

That didn't last too long.

Yeah so the beard didn't last to long. I trimmed it back to just the goatee. I still got the long hair going. You know it was just that the beard was getting way to itchy for me. Oh well.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

I Am Not Subtle

To begin the story you need to understand that I have worked in the service industry for a number of years. Both in fast food, and car washing. I've had to deal with some real a-holes. I now no longer have to. Having said that I lead you to the real story.

I was at the grocery store the other day (Smiths), buying some food and stuff just like everyone else and minding my own business. I get my stuff together and I proceed to the check out. Usually I would go to the do it yourself ones, but I felt kinda lazy that day, not to mention there was a fairly attractive cashier. In line ahead of me is an older lady with a modest amount of food. I don't think to much of it, I don't have anything else to do that day. So who cares. She gets all her food through and I think she's about to pay, but wait a second that's not cash she's pulling out, it's coupons!!! Ok, no biggie not that big of a deal. Well the cashier seemed to be new, and didn't have everything down, but she got through it alright. That is until she came to one coupon that just so happened to be expired. The cashier very nicely, and politely tells this lady she can't accept the coupon because it had expired. The older lady puts her hands on her hips and says what do you mean its expired? The cashier again very politely tells her and shows her that the coupon has expired.

And that is when all hell breaks loose. This older lady just goes off on the cashier. Just belittling her, asking her how hard is it to scan food and take money. Calling her stupid, incompetent, and a lire! I mean this lady was just going to town. I listened to all I could handle and then I to let loose.

I calmly walked up to her and said "Mam, you need to shut your mouth. You're actually going to personally attack this girl for doing her job because you aren't gonna save like 67 cents. You must be out of your cotton picking mind. Just pay the damn bill and go home. And the next time you feel like coming out...DON'T!" She wasn't exactly pleased with that but she was either embarrassed enough, or the fact that I was looking like a pissed off wild man, that she paid the cashier and left without saying another word.

I don't know why people have to be jerks to strangers but it seems they just do. I don't know if they just have it in their heads that since this person is doing a service for me that they are lower then them or something. I had to deal with people like that all the time, just because I was a car washer. I won't put up with it. I don't care who you are or what you do, you don't have the right to be a complete jerk. Since the person they are yelling at can't do anything about it or risk loosing their job, I sure will. And I won't be nice.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Why am I not Fat?

I don't eat all that healthy. And I eat a lot. I was just getting done with my breakfast the other day. (2 doughnuts, 3 mini-muffins, a cup of yogurt, and an ensure breakfast shake) I was putting the some stuff away, and I happened to look down at the nutrition label for the mini-muffins. I saw that each muffin had 100 calories, 26 carbs, and a couple of grams of protien. These things are small, they are litterally bite size. I was stuned. So I looked up the rest of the nutrition facts for that meal. All in all, there were about 1200 calories, 400 carbs, and like 40 grams of protien.

That's insane. There are some people that don't get that in a day, and I ate it in a single meal. Now that meal was a little on the high side of things, but it's not to far from what I get in nutrition in every meal. I just don't understand why I can't gain weight. Yeah I understand I have a high metabolism, and yeah I exercise, but that's just rediculous. But man it tastes good!!!

Grizzly Adams Look Alike

I really hate to shave. It's this long process where I cut myself up something fierce, and then the very next day it's back looking like I didn't shave. It's a waste of my time. So I'm not going to do it anymore. I'll probably still shave my neck because that itches like crazy. As for the rest of it, I'm going to let it grow.

Which brings me to my next point. I don't like to get my hair cut. Again it's another ordeal, I got to go somewhere, (now that my roommate that was cutting my hair moved) make some pointless non-necessary small talk with some stranger, pay some retarded amount, ($12) and in like a week or two I need another cut. What's the point of that? I think I'm gonna let that one grow too.

I don't know why. Maybe I'm just lazy, or maybe I just look dead sexy with long hair. But unless there's a strong turn of events, I'm just gonna let them grow. (Or if the beard starts to itch to much)