Monday, February 25, 2008

The Differences Between Men and Women

I'll just put a disclaimer at the beginning of this. Some of you may get offended by what I have to say. I won't apologise for it. Just understand that this is my opinion and I'm just telling you how I see the world. I also understand that there is an exception to every rule.

There are three main differences between men and women. First and largest difference is emotional stability. Second is their ability to resolve conflicts. And last of all is their basic way of thinking.

1. Emotional Stability covers a wide range of topics and in part has a baring on the other differences between the sexes. A mans emotional responses are easy to follow. He's happy. Something happens, he's sad. Something else happens, he gets angry. There are steps that he goes through, and it's pretty easy to know where he is, and where it might lead to. A man also likes order/stability. He usually won't jump into the middle of things without knowing what's going on, or what he risks by going in. A man will not ask another man what's wrong with his life and how can he help. A man is either told or he's not that's enough for the man. Women are vastly more complicated. I have a very hard time understanding women. And most of the time, I am completely lost. Because women thrive on drama. Their entire life revolves around drama. Whether it's freaking out about what to wear or getting involved in everyone else's problems. Not only that, but it's next to impossible to gauge a woman's mood. One minute they can be as happy as a clam, the very next second without any known difference they are ready to take somebodies head off. Not only is there no telling what caused the problem, they won't tell you what the problem is because for some apparent reason you should already know what the problem is.

2. Resolving Conflicts. Men seem to be a lot more straight forward then women. In friendships, intimate relationships, or in arguments. A man doesn't need to ask another man if they're friends. A man doesn't need to be consistently reminded that he's hansom, or told daily that she's happy being with him. Man is simplest when it comes to someone that they don't like. Everyone including the two in the fight know that they don't like each other. And if it comes to fists, they do the deed and then leave each other be. Women are a lot more round about when it comes to these types of things. Women seem to need to be constantly reminded about how much you like them, or how pretty they are, or how you are feeling. The real kicker is when they're in an argument with someone. Sometimes you can't even tell. They don't look mad or act mad. But eventually you say/do something, and they explode. It's usually something super insignificant, like putting your feet on the couch. And it's never about putting your feet up, it's about something that happened two weeks ago, that you should have known about and done something about, but you didn't even know. And they sure as hell won't tell you. My personal favorite (the ones I'm not involved in) is when girls are fighting other girls. They will be your best friend to your face, but will be planning all along to stab you in the back. Here's a true story. A girl I know (we'll call her Starla) was dumped by her boyfriend, for another girl (we'll call her Marla). Marla needed a job, and went to Starla's place of work to see about getting a job there. Starla knew that she had been dumped for Marla, and decided to help Marla get the job, and be all buddy-buddy with her. From the moment Marla got the job, Starla did everything in her power to make Marla's life a living hell, and to get her fired. Not to Marla's face mind you, but by talking to co-workers and bosses. Does that sound like something a man would do? I can't fathom the thought process you would need to go through to do that.

3. Basic ways of thinking. Like I said before, men are pretty straight forward. And that also translates to how they think. If I do this and this, then this will happen. A + B = C. Pretty simple, everyone can follow it, and it gets the job done. Women quite often jump out of left field. A + B = 11. Where the hell did that come from? Here's a situation out of the Utah dating arena. Man goes up to woman and asks her on a date. Man thinks, "you're cute." Woman thinks, "holy crap he wants to get married!" If I even began to try and comprehend that thought process, I would have a massive brain aneurysm and die. I just don't understand it. Things like this happen all the time. Something a man thinks is simple, or easily followed. A woman will blow it out of proportion, or bring something to the table that has very little or nothing to do with what the man thinks.

Men and women are vastly different. Sometimes I think all women are just plain crazy, but I suppose since men and women do compliment each other that's just how it's supposed to be. I just wish that I could understand sometimes.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Let's Be Honest

We tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger. ~Tad Williams

In my opinion honesty is one of the greatest qualities a person can have. It's oh so rare, and society seems to want to make you believe that it's not all that great. But society is wrong. Honesty is a wonderful thing. It frees you from worries. You don't have that guilt hanging over your head. For the most part you feel good when you tell the truth. (Sometimes the truth hurts, but it's better then the fake feeling a lie gives) Now I try to be honest. Sometimes I can be brutaly honest, which isn't always a great thing. I don't hide what I think, or what I do. And it makes life easier in a lot of ways. It puts everybody on the same page. They know where my head is at. Besides that, who cares what other people think about you? The only one that it matters with, is you.

I just don't understand. Why can't we be honest? Why is it so hard for some people to tell the truth? At my work 90% of the time all I hear are lies. Sometimes it's a lie about the smallest, most pointless thing ever, and yet it's still a lie. Why even bother? Now sometimes I understand a lie or a bending of the truth is necessary to spare someones feelings. But most of the time you can be honest and still spare their feelings.

Telling a lie can get you into a lot of trouble too. I'm not just talking about telling a lie to someone, but telling a lie to yourself. Some people act like something they're not, mostly to impress someone else. I think it's horrible. You should be able to act like yourself and not pretend to be something you're not. In relationships it causes major problems, because suddenly you're deep in a relationship (marriage) and you drop the mask of this person you aren't. Oh no, everything just seems to fall apart. All because you weren't being truthfull to who you are.

I say, just be honest. It makes things a whole lot easier. And we would in general be a whole lot happier with our lives.

I Weep For The Future

If a civilization were judged based on it's least adept citizens... the upcoming crop of adults would be a horrible failure.

These kids are dishonest, lazy, vicious, little cry babies that wouldn't survive life if they weren't actually being caried along by the generation that came before them.
- For some reason they refuse to tell the truth. It's ingrained in their heads that they shouldn't tell the truth. Even if they aren't going to get into trouble they still won't tell the truth.
- They don't even have a work ethic, let alone a poor one. You give them a task to do and they either wine and complain until you force them to do it, or they simply won't do it.
- They are mean. They take offense to everything and will do whatever they have to to make sure they get you back. Not only that they will ridicule a person they see as inferior to the point where that person wants to kill themselves.
- Talk about a bunch of babies. They make a fuss about everything. Whatever you tell them to do it's always to hard. If you try to reprimand them you're being unfair. Their life is just so hard. BOOHOO.
Give me a friggin break. They live in the greatest country in the world, and no matter how poor or hard their lives get, it's still ten times better then the rest of the world.

Now maybe my thoughts are a little squed do to the fact that I work in a home for delinquents, but the kids that I work with at my other job aren't all that great either. Yeah they don't have the same amount of clear problems the kids in the home do, but they still have them to at least some degree. It makes me want to scream sometimes. Like if you're going to get a job, you had better be prepared to work. Not sit on your but doing as little as possible, take a 15 minute break every hour, and expect your every wim to be catered to. That's not how life works. You need to grow up, take responsibility for yourselves, and learn how to benefit society and not be a hinderence.

So just grow up, or you'll find me there ready to smack some sense into you. And I sure as hell won't be gentle.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Word On The Therory of Evolution

What a load of hogwash! I for one am not a descendant of a monkey. It's just plain foolishness. A couple of things in my mind just don't add up.

For starters, evolution says that animals change/adept based on their surroundings. Ok, how have humans changed? Scientests say humans have been on the earth between 200,000 and 400,000 years. So let's say in the last 100,000 years, how have humans as a whole changed? We havent. Dig up some old bones, put them together, and they are the same as bones from somebody who died yesterday. Humans haven't grown extra appendages, or organs, or anything like that. They are exactly the same. And if humans have been around for that long shouldn't there have been some kind of major change? You might try to argue that humans as a whole are taller. I don't know how you can measure every human or know how tall they all were 100,000 years ago. And besides there are still plenty of short people. You say humans are getting fatter. And maybe they are in some places, but that's a learned trait. They aren't being born fat. There just hasn't been a significant change, and according to evolution there should have been.

My second problem is the ability of animals to keep the environment in balance. They don't by themselves overbreed, or over graze, or over hunt. They keep the ecosystem in balance. All animals instinctively know how to do this. Why do humans have such a problem with this? Humans overbreed, over eat, and just in general will usually destroy and over use what ever is around them. If humans evolved like everything else, they would know their limits and stop. Their evolutionary traits would take over and bring them back to harmony with nature. They certainly don't do that. How could we have possibly evolved from monkeys then? They do it, why don't we? Because evolution is a load of crap.

Now I'm not exactly a stalwart defender of the literal translation of 7 days and have done with it, if you know what I mean. God is an all knowing being of truth. Real, pure science is truth. He did create us, and everything in our pure forms. And yes he might have done it over a long period of time, but in my mind it was more of a building process. You learn how to do one thing, then you go a little bit more complex, and then a little bit more and so on. Compare creating the earth and everything on it to building a nuclear powered submarine. You can't just dive right in. You use building blocks. Learn how to weld, how to create nuclear fission, hydralics, lighting, pluming, etc... You need to know how to create and use each individual thing to create the whole submarine. Now does that mean that the one screw was eventually turned into the sub, no. It just means it's a vital part of the whole. Now for humans and the earth, single celled organisms are the basis (the screw). You need to know how to make it, and use it before you can move to bigger things (humans). Yes it's a necessary part, but that doesn't mean that's where the whole came from.

Or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass. And maybe I couldn't quite express my point all that well, but it just seems to me that evolution doesn't add up.

Flirting With Crazy

I've decided I'm going to make a conscience effort to go out and socialize with people. Face to face and have an actual conversation with them. Now here's my reasoning behind that...

Just a few days ago it was pay day. I was torn between going and spending my money, or squirreling it away and saving it. I really didn't know what to do. I was getting frustrated, and angry. On the one side there's the idea that its my money and I've worked hard for it. Why shouldn't I be allowed to spend it? And on the other, I don't want to be working for the rest of my life, and I do need a little back up for emergencies. The arguement was getting pretty heated, and vocal. When all of a sudden I yelled, "It's my money, why shouldn't I spend it?"

That's when I took a step back and realised, I was arguing with myself, out loud. I had a bit of a laugh over it and thought wow, that's getting a little nuts. Not like call the men in white jackets nuts. More like the old man, in the winter coat, in the middle of summer, yelling at the sky. I do not want to become that man. And if I were just to let the course follow where it's going, I would bet money that's about where it would end up.

My solution is to talk with every person I meet. Doesn't have to be much, but just a greeting and some pleasantries. That's all, just to be vocal. And most important to have an actual person there, so I don't get used to talking to myself.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Downfall of American Civilization

As I walk through life I see things that could spell the downfall of American Civilizaion if they aren't curtailed soon. The top three being; internet dating, drugs, and gay rights.

Internet dating is a travesty. It lessens inter personal skills, and gives a hollow meaningless impression of the real thing. Now I'm not against using the internet to find people of a like mindset. I'm against the idea of carrying an entire relation over the internet. People need to have physical contact with eachother, not only that they need verbal communication. Typing to one another doesn't get the whole idea out, or for that matter you can't truly know someone without meeting them face to face. I believe internet dating hurts our articulating ability, our ability to interact in a normal environment, and in the future could absorb our entire dating interests.

Do I really need to expound on drugs? Drugs are a scourge in America and we should treat it as such. It destroys people, familys, and communities. I work with kids who have almost completly ruined their lives because they were under the influence of drugs. Now that's not saying they're not responsible for their own actions, but once you are hooked, that's pretty much it, game over. It's next to immposible to kick the habbit by yourself. Some of these kids will never be able to kick the habbit. Some will die becuase of it. Some will spend the rest of their lives behind bars because of it. Some of these kids have done irreperable damage to their bodies and minds. These kids are a strain on society already, and they're just kids! Most will be a strain or hinderence for years to come.

Gay Rights just annoy me. Specificaly gays being allowed to marry and adopt kids. Problem number one, marriage is between a man and woman. End of story, it can't get much clearer then that. If you cross that line where does it end? Eventually someone will come along and want to push it even further. I don't need to expound on that but I'm sure you know where I'm going. Gay marriage destroys the moral fibre of family. A man and woman compliment each other in all things (remove the points that cause fights, divorce, and people that rushed into marriage out of the equation). That does include running a house, and raising childered. But it's also on an emotional and psycological level. Together they equal a whole piece. That's how it was ment. You can't dance right with two left feet. You need a left and a right to do it properly. And aside from that whole aspect becuase someone could argue it's all about personality (it's not by the way), if there were only gays in the world the human race would end in a single generation. Does that in itself not explain the unnaturalness of "gay?" That seems pretty self explanitory to me.

It seems to me the Human Race is the only one that is bent on destroying itself through its own actions. Actions that can be stopped if we just try to take adequate steps to solve it. But alas we don't or won't.