Monday, April 14, 2008

9/11 Conspiracies and Other Bull$#!+

9/11 was a horrible tragedy that befell our country. It was perpetrated by some very evil men. Namely Osama Bin Laden. He omitted to masterminding it. Yet there are still some people out there that believe there's some huge conspiracy, and that the real culprit is our own government. I just want to smack these people in the face.

There is no possible way for our government to pull this type of thing off and keep it such an utter secret. There would be just to many people involved. Eventually some big, rock solid proof would come out and it would be undone. And rock solid as in the guys who supposedly planted the bomb, or the top officials that gave the go ahead. These conspiracy nuts see these little inaccuracies in video footage and suddenly they think they have proof. Or you have people that hear rumors, and again suddenly it's fact in their eyes. Are people really that gullible that they will believe anything and everything that they hear?

So besides the fact that they wouldn't be able to keep it a secret, whats the motivation behind doing this? To invade Iraq and get the oil? Why then would they put the blame on a group (Al Qaueda) that has almost no ties with Iraq? And is in another country? If our government had all the resources, and gumption to pull something like this off and blame someone else, why then wouldn't they just point the finger at Saddam? It would have saved time, and there wouldn't have been another war going on while they fought in Iraq. On a side note, if our country was good enough to pull off 9/11 why then when they needed weapons of mass destruction in Iraq didn't they just put them there? If they're good enough for 9/11, you would think it would be a piece of cake to plant some nukes, or something.

These conspiracy nuts are just so full of hate and self loathing that they just want to tare down everything around them. They hate this great country so much that they will do and say anything to see it brought down. If you hate it that much get out. I won't apologise for what our country has to do to protect itself, and what it does to make sure that it's citizens have the best lives that they possibly can. But I know our great country wouldn't sink so low as to cause this horrible tragedy just to oust some dictator in another country and take the oil there. That's a load of bull, and you need to just shut your mouth.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Anyone That Thinks Gun Control Laws Will End Violent Crime Is An Idiot

Many people believe that if you strictly limit or ban guns, then the violent crime in America will stop. This is incredibly foolish because there is an inherent flaw in that thinking. And that is that those committing crimes have no qualms about breaking the law to get a gun. They're criminals, their very name implies that they don't have a problem breaking the law. So why then would they stop when they find out it's against the law to have a gun?

Aside from the fact that they're criminals and will break the law anyway. Violent crime will go on. People are violent. Plain and simple, they go out and hurt each other. If they have guns or not, they will hurt other people. Taking guns away will leave many people defenceless. Or would mean that other people won't be able to come to the rescue. Not to long ago there was a shooting at a mall up in Salt Lake. A man with a shotgun was going around and indiscriminately shooting people. A bystander who just so happened to have a gun decided he was going to do something about it. He pinned the man down until the police arrived. If guns had been banned then the bystander could have done nothing about the shooting, but watch it happen.

Now I will admit guns aren't for everyone. There are many people out there that just shouldn't be allowed to legally own a weapon. I'm talking about convicted felons, or the mentally unstable. I won't argue the fact that they shouldn't be allowed to have guns. But the hard working American, that just wants to protect their family? Yeah they have earned the right to carry a gun. They abide by the law, and when trouble rears its ugly head they should be able to do something about it.

Guns aren't the great evil that the liberal wing has led you to believe. Yes they can cause great harm, but so can a car. It all just depends on the person behind it that will dictate what it will do.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Vagabonds - A Leech on Society

There is no reason for a hardworking American to be without a job for so long that they have to start begging for handouts. There are tons of jobs out there, even if they are just fast food, a job is a job, and if you really have fallen on hard times then you have to take the job you can get. It pisses me off when I see the same bum, on the same street corner, with the sign saying, "fallen on hard times, please help." Get a friggin job. The eight hours a day you spend begging for money, could be spent finding a job, and then you wouldn't need the help.

The real reason these people aren't working (for the most part) is that they don't want to work. They would rather beg for a living, doing their own thing, and not have a 9 to 5 job. They cling to the belly of society and take all that they can from it. And the problem is that people allow them to. I've heard that some bums, can make quite a bit by begging. In some cases a ton more then if they had an actual job. I understand that there really are some people that need help, those with mental problems, or disabilities, or just for some reason are hard put to find a job. But do we really need to be spreading the idea that it's ok to be a bum, that we will spend our hard earned money, so you can sit on your but all day and do nothing? No. If you want to give money to the poor, then you should give the money to a shelter or give more money to the Church and let them dispense the money where its needed. Not the bum on the street that's just looking for a handout so he can go buy some more beer.

Another leech on society is welfare people. Talk about throwing your money to people that don't deserve it. I know there are some people that do need a little help from time to time. That's alright, I'm talking about the people who do everything they can to get on welfare and stay on welfare. Again it's a person that doesn't want to work and wants free money from the government. Why should my money go to these lazy bums? Welfare should either be like a loan, where you pay it back as soon as you get a job, or it should be changed from welfare to workfare. Those on welfare should have to do so many hours of either community service, or so many hours working for the state. I don't know why people get upset when you suggest this type of change either. You're already paying them, why shouldn't they be working for you?

I don't know it just pisses me off. Why does society allow these people to suck the life out of it. Eventually it needs to end, otherwise it's just a vicious circle, that will just keep repeating itself.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Fools Day and My Mother

I think it would take a lot to be my mother, especially around April fools day. You see she has five boys, and they have a wide and deep sense of humor. For many years, we have taken it upon ourselves, to play practical jokes on our mother. In so much that she usually won't talk to us on or around April 1st.

Now these practical jokes range from all over the spectrum. Most of them however have to do with either getting married, or having another grandchild on the way. And every year we try to out do each other. One year those of us younger siblings, that weren't married yet sent fake engagement pictures, and she had to guess which one of us was getting married (nobody was). One of my favorites however, was by my oldest brother John. He planed and implemented a reverse April fools joke, meaning that he was pulling a prank on her, but it in fact was real. I won't go into to many of the details about it, but the gist of it was that he needed her to send a crib, showing that there was another grandchild on the way, but he let her know on April fools day. So she was happy, and then she was pissed when she realised what day it was. It wasn't until later that she found out that he was being for real.

I thought it was hilarious. So in the spirit of April fools day, I would just like my mother to think about all the things we have been talking about recently, and decide if I've been on the level of not. Happy April fools day mom!!!

The Best Relationships

As I look at the world around me, it seems that those people with the best relationships, were started in friendship.

Friendship as a base for a relationship brings with it an easy going nature, that doesn't always come when you've started a relationship based on attraction. The two individuals in the relationship are more able to be themselves, instead of trying to put on a mask of what they think the other wants. Wearing a mask almost always ends in failure because the mask will eventually have to come off. And the other person might not like what they see, which in turn causes more problems, because you've basically been lying to each other.

And it's not that relations starting out from attraction can move into friendship. It just seems to be a lot easier to be together, when you already are friends. There usually aren't as many barriers to take down, because you already know each other, and on some level like each other.

Having said that, and relating to my lack of a relationship, I think I'm gonna start trying to be friends with everyone. Now this will be kinda hard for me seeing as how I'm not the nicest or most open of person. And looking at my past history it seems that I have a very close knit set of friends, and it isn't always easy bringing new people in. But I think I can do it. And besides I've learned you can never have to many friends.