Friday, February 27, 2009

Walmart is a Whore

If walmart is a whore, what then is America? Especially since we go back to it time, and time again.

With that in mind, I watched another documentary. As I'm sure you guessed this one was about walmart. Walmart has a lot of shady practices, and treats it's employees like crap. I'm all for capitalism, but there comes a point where companies need to be curtailed in what they're allowed to do.

The biggest thing that annoys me is how they treat the employees. Low wages, no or very poor benefits, won't let them work overtime or even 40 hours. The real kick in the pants is that they make it a policy for people that are struggling financially to go and sign up for government benefits. When you tell your employees that the only thing they can do is to go on welfare, you've got a problem. Walmart needs to take care of its people. Give them more money, let them work. Walmart is a business, they are out to make a profit but I think they've gotten a little to greedy. They can spend a little more on employee benefits.

But the only real reason that this is allowed to happen is because Americans demand cheap goods. What they don't intend to happen is for walmart to push out all the other businesses in the area, and for resale values to go down. But that's what happens when a walmart goes into an ares, the economy of that area takes a hit.

If people stopped buying from walmart, walmart wouldn't be this giant multi-national corporation sucking the life out of Smalltown, U.S.A. I doubt however this will ever happen, people demand cheap stuff.

Monday, February 23, 2009

"Corn King"

I watched a documentary the other night entitled "Corn King." Its about, as I'm sure you already guessed corn. Now you might ask yourself who in their right mind would make a documentary about corn? And who would be so bored as to watch it? A couple of guys from Boston made it, and I was bored enough to watch it. It was actually a pretty interesting flick.

For starters these guys didn't set out to talk about corn. They set out to talk about the eating and the health problem in America today. They boiled it down to one thing, corn. Specifically high fructose corn syrup (corn sugar), the vast majority of processed foods contain this corn syrup. So they go to the corn capitol of the world, Iowa, to grow corn and see why corn is and has become a major staple of the American diet. I won't ruin it for those who want to go see it (probably nobody), but they bring up a very interesting point that even though corn is normally good for you, we've engineered and created a food state where corn has become bad for us. It's worth watching, if you ever have about an hour and a half to kill.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Let Me Tell You About My Valentines Day

The best part of my valentines day was getting a "mystery" valentine. It's not a huge mystery because they left it for Thomas Payne, and there are only like 4 people in the world who ever call me by my full name. Two of them just happen to be Aubs and Katie Kat. I'm pretty positive it was them that left it on my door step, and it brightened my weekend. Even though they left for California.

So the day starts out with me texting Alex till like 4 in the morning, about when we're going to go to the gym. I think we ended up saying like 9. That wasn't bad, but I had to get up in the morning to find it snowing, and then Alex bailed on the gym (I ended up not going either). I got my new glasses, and dropped off a couple of valentines. All that was before 11am. And that was the entirety of my production for the day. Literally.

I spent the entire rest of the day on the couch watching movies and sitcoms, eating a crap load of junk food. I think I ate like 3 or 4 pounds of candy. I started the day at like 159lbs and ended it at like 163lbs. I was stuffed and sick. And that was my valentines day in a nut shell.

My Tastebuds Have Changed Allegiance

I thought my favorite candy bar was snickers. The mix of chocolate, caramel, peanuts, and nougat was amazing. I could eat those all day everyday. And sometimes I would.

Recently however, it seems I've been leaning to a different candy bar. The Twix. That mix of chocolate, caramel, and crunchy cookie has been forcing its way into my heart, through my mouth. Now this could be a passing fad, and I could return to the snickers in the end. But I have my doubts. I think I have been converted to the Twix.

New Glasses

I got my new glasses on Valentines day. They're a lot like the old ones, just a little narrower. I didn't want to have to get new glasses but it probably was time. "Old Glasses"

Everything you shouldn't do to glasses I've probably done to these. And I mean everything. Melted, dropped in acid and various chemicals, dropped off roof, thrown across room, frozen, scratched, smashed, etc... So they got kinda beaten up.

I like these new ones, but they're taking a little to get used to. I'm having a little difficulty walking. I don't know if it's the new perscription or if I'm just retarded but just walking down the street or up stairs was a chore that first day. Oh well, here's to spending $320 I don't have to spend!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wonder Hostess

Wonder Hostess has got to be the greatest food brand, and store in existence. I say that because the other day I was at the gas station and saw those fantastic fruit pies. The problem was that I didn't want to be paying $1.40 for them (yeah I'm kinda cheap sometimes). Then I remembered that near our house there was a wonder hostess thrift store that sold all the wonder products at a discounted price. I figured that if there's one there got to be more. And I was right! I went online and looked and wouldn't you know there's one in orem. Awesome!

Suffice it to say I went and bought a box of 15 fruit pies, and they were only like 83 cents a piece. It turned into one awesome day.

Monday, February 09, 2009

At the Worst Possible Time

Why does it seem like really crappy things happen at the worst possible time? I was getting ready to go to work and I picked up my glasses, and wouldn't you know it but they break on me. The frame just snaps. What the crap? They broke in a spot that makes it very nearly impossible to tape back together. So I'm gonna have to go to like walmart tomorrow and get a new pair made.

It was the worst possible time because not only was I late to work (I had to find my sunglasses because I can't drive without a pair), but it happens the month before the police academy starts and I've got a lot of crap to pay for. I just hope nothing else goes wrong, or I'm really gonna be upset.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Not Near 185lbs.

Several months ago I made it a goal to get in shape, and put on some weight. I was going to post a pic of me every week to see if there was some improvement. I haven't done that at all. So here's the latest pics. This first one is just of me standing and not flexing at all.
Not a ton of improvement, but there is some. I'm up to 158lbs, with 13% body fat.

Here are a couple with me flexing.

I actually really like the way that I look. I might not be anywhere near my goal of 185lbs and 10% body fat, but I feel really good. It's safe to say that this is the best shape I've ever been in. Let's hope this trend stays up.