Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Three People More Qualified to Recieve The Nobel Peace Prize then Obama

Why did Obama win the Nobel prize? Oh because he made a promise to change things. In that case I promise to change things to, do i get it next year? No probably not, but I think there are a few who deserve this much more then Obama.

How about Scooby Doo? He's spent like the last 40 years fighting crime and solving mysteries. Doesn't that deserve some acknowledgement? He's certainly done more then Obama.

There's also Santa Claus. He's made boys and girls happy for generations. That's way more then just making a promise about things.

I think the most qualified person to receive the nobel peace prize would have to be James Bond. He's been keeping the world from destroying itself for like 50 years! Sometimes you need a little fighting to create peace. It probably doesn't hurt that he's super cool. Way cooler then Obama.

So yes I think it's completely ridiculous to award the nobel peace prize to man who hasn't actually done anything for peace. If lets say in a couple of years he's actually created a lasting peace then yeah give it to him. To give it to him for a promise that he's made is a travesty. Mostly because promises made by politicians hardly ever come true. Shame on the Nobel Prize committee.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

I Tested With Lehi Today

I tested with Lehi today to try and get on their reserve program. I don't think I did to bad. The written part was a little rough, I hadn't studied anything, and there were quite a few things I didn't know. Hopefully nobody else knew them either. The physical test I did pretty good on. I did 33 push ups in a minute, 44 sit ups in a minute, a 17 inch vertical jump, and I ran the mile in 7 minute 30 seconds! Not to shabby, if I do say so myself. Then there was the oral interview. That went pretty good, they were really laid back and it seemed like they just wanted to get a taste of my personality to see if I was a fit.

It was a good day. There wasn't a lot more that I could do, so we'll see how it goes. Oh and as a bonus there were only 13 other people testing for the spot. That's a lot better then the 80 in Saratoga, or the 250 in West Valley...

Monday, October 05, 2009


I think I may be addicted to watching movies. I love to watch movies, they are so entertaining, and they can take my mind off of things when I just want to veg. The problem is there are sometimes that I don't want to do anything but watch movies. Ironically enough I came to this conclusion watching a documentary on people who play and live role playing games (i.e. dungeons and dragons).

Theres an organization that sets up live action role playing games where people dress up and live out their fantasies. There was one guy on there that was in his mid twenties, and hadn't yet gotten his high school diploma. He hadn't gotten it yet because instead of doing his home work (or even getting a job) he would rather play fantasy games. He made a statement along the lines that he knew he shouldn't play all the time and actually go out and do something but all he really wanted to do was play. He knew it was his addiction, yet there wasn't anything he was going to do about it.

Here's the thought that came to me. Sometimes all I want to do is sit on the couch and watch movies. I want to watch movies more then go out sometimes. Its my addiction! So I know I love movies and all, but I can't watch them all the time. I know I have my plants and the gym, but I need to do more. Here's what I'm thinking to knock down my movie watching; read more, date more, maybe take up a few hobbies.

The one hobby I've been thinking about lately is wood carving. Wood carving isn't my strong suit. I've done it before and I've just been terrible at it. But maybe if I spend enough time working at it I'll get good. I think it would be cool to do some wood carving. Like the staff dad has been working on. All I need is a good wood carving knife and some wood.

Anyone else have any good suggestions? So I can have a competing addiction for my movies?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Let's Waste More Tax Payer Money

I would have to say for the majority of people out there therapists are a waste of time and money. At the group home where I work (government funded by the way) all the boys here are required to see a therapist twice a week, once in a group setting and once individually. As far as I understand it they are there to try and kick their drug habits. However tonight when I came to work I heard one of the most retarded things I have ever heard come out of a human being.

There's a boy here, lets say he goes by Danny. Danny's therapist believes that Danny is to childish of a name for him, which allows him to act childish. So we need to call him something else, but not Dan or Daniel because that's to grown up. So from now on we are required (yes that's right they are making us do this) to call him by his middle name, Albert.

For starters, what the hell does this have to do with him kicking his drug habit? The only reason he is here getting therapy is to get over drugs, not to make him feel/sound more like an adult. Second of all what's wrong with calling him Danny? I'm 25, and I go by Tommy. Does that make me more childish? NO!!! People do what they want, how they want because its what they want, not what they are called. Also how is Albert less grown up then Dan? If anything Id say it's more grown up sounding.

Sometimes I don't know why we get away with some of this stuff. If more people could see just how wasteful and worthless the therapy is here, I'd be out of a job. If its gonna be such a big waste of time and money, just put the kids in DT for an extended period and then set them free. Isn't that how the adult justice system is?

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Life Is Complicated

Life throws us curve balls. Sometimes we can see it coming and hit one out of the park. But most of the time it gets the better of us.

Sometimes I wish I knew everything that would be happening to me. Or that the things that I want and plan for come to fruition. The vast majority of the time that just isn't the case. Sometimes I do get lucky, and its wonderful. But not often.

Oh well, nothing I can do about it but push forward and hope.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Technology: A Love, Hate Relationship

The modern world is an amazing place. We can communicate instantly across continents. We live longer, healthier lives (generally speaking). We have comforts earlier times couldn't even dream of. Everyday are lives are made easier and better thanks to technology. We depend on technology so much, but because of this dependence it's also our downfall. When technology fails, we and society along with us crumbles.

I bring this up because today my cell phone crapped out on me. Every time I opened it all that would come up was a blank, white screen. How annoying is that? I was freaking out a little. Like what if somebody had an emergency, and needed to get a hold of me? I was helpless in doing anything. Or so it felt. It made me think, we as a society depend so much on technology that when it isn't there or doesn't do what we need it to, our world comes crashing down around our ears.

What were to happen if technology failed on a wide scale, like across the entire world? It absolutely would be utter chaos. I think civilization would return to the dark ages overnight. We might be a little more sophisticated then that, but I don't think it would be by much. If technology wasn't restored, the world would return to the time of feudal lords and kingdoms. Not only that, millions would probably die because of a lack of food disbursement. Just think if supermarkets didn't have food. Their would be mass riots, since the majority of the population doesn't do food storage. They would literally kill each other over a loaf of bread in a matter of weeks if not days.

Yes technology improves our lives, and I am thankful for all that it does. I just think we as a society need to be a little more self sufficient and not lean on technology as a crutch. When it's gone, we are gonna fall hard.

Oh I did end up getting a new phone. I had a heck of a time trying to recreate my contacts list. But oh well, hopefully it won't happen again.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Telemarketing Should Be Illegal

I can't imagine telemarketing actually working. I've never met someone that's said, "Yeah I got a phone call for a new long distance plan and it worked out great!" Normally anytime, anyone talks about getting a phone call it's more along the lines of "I was right in the middle of something important, and had to stop to pick up the phone." Sometimes there are a few expletives thrown in for good measure.

It just seems that they have a nak for calling at the worst possible times. For me it's usually at like 11 or noon. I'm usually sleeping and then I get a call for something I have absolutely no need for, and then because I had gotten just enough sleep, I have the worst time trying to fall back to sleep, it's horrible. The only thing that gets me more annoyed when I get woken up by them, is if it's automated in spanish. Oh man that gets my goat.

I think we get bombarded with enough advertisements on tv, the radio, in the mail, and on billboards, that we shouldn't have to be subjected to it over the phone. I mean come on really, the point that I know its a telemarketer is the point where my brain has shut off and I'm just waiting for a pause so I can either; just say no, hang up, or chew them out (depending on my mood, and how tired I really am).

Let's call them at their busiest, and waste their time and see how they like it!

Monday, August 17, 2009

New Measurements

Like I said earlier I'm up to 160lbs. Alex and I decided to do some measurements to see how big I really am...

Neck - 14.75"
Waist - 35"
Bicep - 12.5"
Chest - 37.5"
Upper Thigh - 22"
Calves - 13.75"

So the goal is to see how big everything will be at 170lbs and then again at 180lbs. Any guesses as to what the final measurements will be?

Recap of the Month

Yeah it's been almost a month since I last updated. And since the one person that I spend the majority of my time with insisted I updated, I thought I probably should. Even though she hasn't updated in like 6 months... :)

I still don't have a job with a Police Department. Saratoga Springs turned me down, I'm doing some paper work for west valley, and I'm waiting to get an interview with Utah County Sheriff's Office. Luckily the group home is more then happy to keep me on for a little while longer...

I'm back up to 160lbs. That leaves only 10 more to go for me to win the bet, but I think Alex only has like 6 more to lose, so I don't know if I will win anymore. On the bright side I would say it's a lot more muscle then the last time I was at 160lbs. It probably has something to do with the workout program p90x. It kicks my trash every time I do it, but it feels so good to be putting some muscle on these bones.

I saw G.I. Joe last week. I LOVED IT!!! That movie was spot on with how the cartoons were. I know not everyone liked it, and thought it was cheesy. But it brought back the nostalgia of watching Saturday morning cartoons. You can't put a price on that.

Obama is still to crazy for my taste. The one stipulation I'd want to put on this health care bill, is that for those that receive it they have to provide proof of citizenship. I'm kind of getting a little annoyed of people who aren't paying taxes getting all the benefits.

Everything else is still about the same. Still dating an amazing girl, still living with Chris, still trying to live life to the fullest. I'll try to post more regularly, and get some pictures up. We will just have to see what happens.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Llama Fest

On Saturday; Alex, Aubs, Brady, Travis and I went to Llama fest. I had never been there and had no idea what to expect. It was super freaking hot, and it only had about an hour of interest for me, but that hour was pretty good. It was at the Harri Krishna Temple down in Spanish Fork.
The temple looked really cool, both inside and out.
We of course went and saw the llamas, but they also had some birds, and some tiny cows. The cows in my opinion felt better then the llamas. All in all it's not a bad festival, and is probably worth 3 bucks just to check the place out.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Birthday Celebration

It was Alex's birthday this last Saturday, but she was up at her parent's house so we couldn't celebrate it together until Monday. I however believe I made it up to her.

I got her a present that she really wanted, and would keep her entertained. It's a long board (a big skateboard), and a helmet (even though she doesn't wear it). I figured she needed flowers for her birthday. I knew her favorites were lilies and roses. I got both, now I'm not what you would call a flower person, so I had a little help picking out the arrangement. I did however pick out the vase that went with it. The whole ensemble was a big hit, I do believe her roommates were very jealous of that little bit. Then I took her out to her favorite restaurant, Los Hermanos. It's always good there, and wasn't busy. The next stage of my plan was to go to Comedy Sports and have this night be like our very first date way back in September, but Comedy Sports isn't open on Monday. So I gave her the options of a carnival, mini golf, or going to a dinosaur museum. She wanted to check out the museum, another back fire as it turns out the museum closed at 8 and we got there at like 8:10, bummer! We ended up going to an arcade, and then got some ice cream and watched a movie at my apartment. I had a lot of fun, and I'm pretty sure she did to. Isn't that what's supposed to happen when you celebrate your birthday?

Friday, July 03, 2009

Academy Update

I am done!!!

I finished my PT and my Certification test this past Monday. It feels so good to be done. The written test had me a little worried for a bit. I originally got an 87% on it which was the second highest in the class, with about half the class failing. The next day the Captain told us that up to 32 questions were being thrown out because they were messed up or had the wrong answers to them, and if after the test was re-scored and we failed we would have to retake it again! Oh my that got my goat pretty bad. But thankfully after the test was scored again I ended up with a 93%, which just so happens to be tied with the highest score in the class. I'll be ok with that.

The PT was a cake as I expected it to be.
Standing Jump - 22 1/2 inches
Push ups - 32
Sit ups in a minute - 46
300 meter sprint - 50 seconds
1 1/2 mile run - 12:46 minutes

I feel really good about all that. Now all I have to do is find a job.

A New Game, Well Kind Of.

Alex and I started another little competition. We are seeing if I can gain 20lbs before she can lose 20lbs. The loser has to pay to get the winner a massage. Then after we meet that goal, we see who can go the farthest gaining/losing by the end of the summer. We haven't figured what the reward will be for that, but I'm sure it'll be something good.

I'm fairly confident I will win. I just need to stay on top of my eating, and weight lifting. It's not like I'll have school anymore to throw me for a loop. :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sometimes Patience Pays Off

There are somethings that I have wanted for a long time, and for one reason or another I have been unable to get. So for like the last 10 months I've been working on one in particular. And just last Monday I got it!

It's one of those things that makes me just super duper happy. I don't know what to say, I worked so long and hard to achieve it, and now I'm there. My only hope is to keep it the way it is. You probably already know what I'm talking about...

Monday, June 08, 2009

The Glass House Shatters in the Storm

Our minds are beautiful, wonderful, amazing tools. But sometimes they can fool us into believing something that logically doesn't make sense. You get it into your head to build a glass house. A good solid foundation. Design it with the proper architecture, and engineering in mind. Place every nook and cranny in exactly the spot that you want it in. It's perfect in every way, shape, and form. You are ecstatic with it, you never want to leave, you wish you could be in there for ever, in absolute bliss. On the horizon you see a storm brewing. You think no big deal, I'll be safe in my house, what could possibly go wrong. Let the storm come, You fear it not. You've got the best foundation, and the perfect architecture. Let the storm come.

Oh how the storm does come. As if the very fury of the heavens is descending upon you, and your glass house. You sit and watch, helpless to do anything about it. The one thought crosses your mind, I'm sitting in a glass house. The storm strikes, with all it's might. Lightning, rain, wind all the power that it has crashes into your glass house. The glass house shatters in the storm. It falls down around your head, and as the storm blows itself out, you sit amidst the rubble, distraught that your perfect house is nothing more then broken glass. What could you have done? You made your house out of glass.

Life gives us hard lessons. Sometimes we need to find better judgment, and not listen to our own insane babbling. It's hard to pick ourselves up and get going again, but somehow, some way we must.

What would be the coolest continent to visit?

The world is a fantastic place, and I would like to see all of it before I die. That probably won't happen of course. It seems that people can't agree which place they want to see more. It's a tie between Europe and Australia!
Total votes : 9 - North America 0(0%), South America 0(0%), Europe 3(33%), Africa 1(11%), Asia 1(11%), Australia 3(33%), Antarctica 1(11%).

I voted for Europe. I think that Europe just has everything I want to see in it, in general terms that is. There is just so much art, culture, world history, ancient history, and natural beauty in that area that you could spend a life time looking and never see everything.

I will have to admit Australia would be my second choice. I'm not sure why but it just seems like Australia has this primal pull on me, just to go and see it. Maybe it's like the last tamed land on Earth or something that draws me in. Or maybe it's still got that old fashioned cowboy feel to it that calls to my masculinity. Either way Australia would be way fun to go check out.

And I don't know who voted for Antarctica, but the only thing I would want to see there is the Penguins, and you can find them in other places that aren't so barren and cold.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The NFL Queen Has Been Dethroned

So Alex and I kind of have this on going rivalry. We play a game called Madden NFL 2008, and for I think like the first 6 games we played she stomped me into the ground. However in the last week or so I've finally gotten my act together and given her a run for her money.

I've beaten her several games now, and I think she's getting a little annoyed. She knows how I felt. She claims I have an unfair advantage being able to play it all the time. I don't care, I'm gonna take what I can get. It's not like I haven't given her the option of comeing over and practicing.

All I really wanted to say is that she can no longer lord over me the fact that I hadn't beaten her in the game. I have and will continue to do so. (Hopefully) HA!!!

My First PD Testing

This past Monday I was invited to test with the Cedar City Police Department. The testing started at 6:30am, that kind of sucked. But I got my arse out of bed at 2am and drove down there. I passed all the physical stuff. Then we had to do a report on a video of a DUI arrest that we watched. I think I did pretty good on that one, I did write a 3 page report. Right after that we had an 80 question test to take. The test was kind of retarded. It was more of a what would you do test, then anything that really had to do with the law. I think I did fine on that. Around 2pm is when I had my oral interview. That I know I did freaking awesome at. It was a way relaxed interview. I was telling jokes and some funny stories, while at the same time answering all of their questions. They were at least laughing with me, it felt more like a bunch of friends talking around the table instead of an actual interview.

All in all, I felt like the day went pretty good. There were 30 other people that showed up for the job, but I gave it my best, and that's all that I could ask for. And even if they don't offer me the job, the day wasn't a waste. I learned a lot about what to expect from future interviews.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Chocolate It Is

You know I can't really blame people for voting for chocolate. I mean its chocolate!
Total votes 6. Chocolate - 3(50%), Vanilla - 1(16%), Neapolitan - 2(33%)

I however like a little variety. Chocolate is fantastic, but even that can get old for me. I like to go for the Neapolitan because every bite doesn't have to be the same flavor. The way to get around that with chocolate is to get the kind that's got lots of stuff in it. MMM good!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


What is it about the stars in the night sky? It's like one of the most amazing natural wonders. I can stare up at the night sky for hours at a time, every single night. I never get tired of it. I work down in the middle of no where, and it's pitch black out many nights affording fantastic views of the night sky. I can't get enough of it.

Does looking up at the sky invoke a deep sense that there is so much more out there? That there is a greater power in the universe? That I am but a spec compared to the infinite dimensions of the cosmos? It could be all these things. Maybe everyone feels a little bit different, but I believe everyone feels something when they look up at night. The power of creation is there to behold at just a glance towards the heavens. Yet sadly many don't get to see the beauty of it. Light pollution has caused a diminishing of our ability to see the sky. Nothing we can really do about it. But the next time you get a chance, when you are out away from civilization take a minute to look up. How do you feel when you look at the stars, what do you think about?

Friday, May 22, 2009

I Lost A Bit More Weight

I don't know what it is about my body, but it seems that if I don't keep up on the whole trying to put on weight, it all goes bye-bye.

I'm back down to about 150lbs. That annoys me. I spent all that time and all that work putting that weight on and in just a couple of months its gone. ARRR!!!!

On the plus side, I'm at quite a bit more toned then I was before. So I guess all that work wasn't a complete waste.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I Got A New Plant...By Hitting It

I was coming back from church on Sunday with my friend John. I turned behind this truck that had a uhaul trailer. The dude apparently didn't care about the cargo because the trailer was open and full of plants. He went around the corner at a pretty good speed and a bunch of these plants fell out. I was pretty pissed because I didn't have time to swerve and ploughed right over a couple. Luckily I didn't see any damage to my car when I stopped. I was gonna go chase the truck down and get his plates to turn him in, when John turned to me and said "Hey, you want a free plant?"

At first I thought no, that's stupid I want to get this guy. But instead of spending my Sunday getting involved in this and waisting my time, I figured a free plant was ample payment for having it hit my car. So I got a new plant, all it took was hitting it with my car. I don't however know what to do with it, cause it is like 7 or 8 feet tall.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

It Feels Good

A lot of the time I feel like a complete idiot when it comes to girls. Like I don't know what to do or what I'm doing is the "right" thing. Girls just confuse me. I was having a conversation with Alex, you know just talking, saying what was on my mind. (Sometimes that gets me into big trouble) But then she gave me one of the funniest and greatest compliments I think I've ever gotten.

"Its guys like you that make most guys look like pigs."

You know I might not be the best or do everything right, but when I hear something like this it just makes me feel good. I figure hey, I must be doing something right.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Something to Think About

Lately I've had quite a few things on my mind. Problems that I've had that it seemed no matter what I did, I couldn't solve them. Many times have I heard that you should read the scriptures to find answers to your problems. I didn't believe it, how could the scriptures really truly have specific answers for me? This evening however I was reading in my scriptures, and one particular verse stuck out to me 2 Nephi 1:20 - "And he hath said that: Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land; but inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from my presence."

I haven't been doing real well in the area of doing what I'm supposed to. I read this and it was kind of like a light went off in my head. Hey! Maybe you should be striving more to do what you're supposed to. Now I won't begin to think that all my problems will just vanish if I get my act together, but maybe it will be a little easier to deal with. I don't know, I should be doing it no matter what the case may be.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Defeat vs Failure

Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.
George Edward Woodberry

I'm not sure if I could have said it better. I don't mind losing, I can handle that and get over it without to much difficulty. The things that I really regret, the things that I dwell on, and think about over and over again, are the times that I haven't even tried. I think it's the fact that I don't know if there could have been a different outcome. When I try and fail, at least I know where my limits are and that I had the gumption to try. When I don't, there is always that nagging doubt of if it would have made things different. And on a lot of things once that time to try is gone, no matter what I do, I can't go back. It makes me sad. (Some of you know what I'm talking about.)

The Title of Liberty and Police Work

Title of Liberty; In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children. Captain Moroni is by far my favorite hero from the scriptures. He was everything a leader of men should be. I would follow him into the very gates of hell, if that's what was needed.

I don't exactly remember how we got to this in class today, but our instructor made a comment about how Police are Knights of the modern day. We serve and protect the innocent. Police have a shield that symbolizes the shields used by Knights of old to protect them.
Captain Moroni raised the title of Liberty to show what they were fighting for. Police (and hopefully me soon) are fighting for that same purpose. For the freedoms we have, for our families, for the innocent that can't protect themselves. The Powers of Good and Evil are at war. Both spiritually and physically. We must follow Captain Moroni's example, remember who we are and what we stand for. We must do all that we can to fight evil in all it's forms. Police are doing the work of God, let us take up that calling and be worthy to do the work.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


I don't think there is a picture out there of Chris and I where we are both making "normal" faces. I guess that's just how we roll.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Pledge Allegiance

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

When you look at the flag and recite the pledge, what do you feel? I feel pride, honor, duty, respect, and thankfulness. This flag is the symbol of our country, everything that we as people are, and want to be should be felt when we see this flag, and recite this pledge. Yet it seems to me that every year it's becoming less important, and isn't honored as it should be.

The Pledge of Allegiance is a spoken oath of loyalty to our country. We are saying we will do all we can to help improve and maintain this great land. It should mean something when we say it. It's an oath. You are giving your word to help protect and uphold the principles of this land. If you can't trust a man's word, what does he have left? This isn't an oath to the President, it's not an oath to Congress, it's not an oath to any single party. It's an oath to our country, to all the liberties, and freedoms that we have. Why are people trying to destroy this? We should be upholding the principles that our founding fathers set down. We should be teaching our children what it means to Pledge Allegiance, not just to recite some words at the beginning of the day. We should be proud to have it in our schools, and in our daily lives.

This is one nation under god. We don't have to agree on every little thing. But we should agree on doing everything that we must for the good of all. In accordance with that we, and especially public officials, should be doing our duties as if God really were standing over us, watching what we're doing. It's sad to see public officials in the news for committing horrid crimes, or some kind of scandal. It's just not right. They were put in office to help their fellow man, and they just aren't doing that. If they were acting as if God were watching over them, they would be busting their buts to do everything they can as best as they possibly can. Why wouldn't we want God watching over us? If he isn't who would? Man? Man is fallible, God is not. I would much rather have a perfect being watching over me correcting me, then some imperfect man.

Liberty and Justice for All. We should be fair and just in our dealings with everyone. We shouldn't infringe on the rights of others, that don't infringe on the rights of us. I believe this also means that we must protect the safety and life of those around us. We aren't taking someones liberty away by putting them in jail. They chose to give up their liberty by committing a crime. They did it to themselves, it's a consequence of their actions, we have an obligation to protect the liberties of those innocent people that were wronged. We need to have a fair and unbiased system to implement those consequences, but once it's decided upon, that should be the end of that. If they didn't want to be locked away they shouldn't have infringed on the rights of the innocent.

I for one am proud to be an American. I don't agree with everything that goes on, but that doesn't mean that this country is crap. It means that I, and my fellow Americans need to uphold that oath of loyalty that we swore, and constantly strive to make this country a better place for all.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yes, I Got Plants

I don't know why I had this thought, but the other day I got it into my head that I should get some plants. So I did. I got five of them, and a little growing light. I have them in my room, and since I sleep during the day I keep the room as dark as possible. So I needed the growing light for when I'm away, usually at night, so the plants wouldn't die off.

Goldfish Plant


Licorice Plant

Fishnet Stockings Plant

Velvet Lime Plant

They're fairly cool looking, especially the goldfish plant. It's got little orange flowers on it that resemble goldfish. They also add a little something to my room, not to mention it gives me a little hobbie to do in my downtime (the little that I have). Hopefully I don't kill them.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Opperation Find Me a Girl

I'm a bum, and I can't seem to find and hold onto a girl. It just seems that lately I either can't find a date or the gals that I'm really interested in, aren't interested in me. It's starting to get to me. So I'm looking for a girlfriend and I'm asking for help. I will go on a date with anyone. I will give anyone a chance. Anyone that you know that is single, I will go on a date with. You never know who I might start dating, so I'm going to try not to judge as harshly as I have in the past. I am going to try to be an open and out going person. Not the stubborn headed mule that I've been.

If you know somebody that's available, lets set up a date!

A Pagent and A Blasphemous Movie

Aubrey's roommate Katie was in a pageant at the conference center on Saturday. It was a pageant for descendants of pilgrims to utah in 1847 or something like that. Anyway it wasn't half bad. Having never been to one I guess I really wouldn't know, but I wasn't completely bored. Aubs made a friend while we were there. Some little old lady sat down next to us and was just chatting up a storm with Aubs. It was pretty funny.

Katie didn't make it to the top ten, so Aubs and I booked it out of there. We were planning on going to the Cheese Cake Factory, but seeing as how neither of us knew how to get there we got lost and then just decided to head back to Provo. It wasn't real late so we met up with some friends and went and saw the movie Knowing. It was actually a pretty good movie up until the end. The ending ruined it for me. Basically the ending to me said that God and angels are aliens. It really pissed me off. They took an interesting spin on the bible but one that I just can't agree with. Oh well, it wasn't a total loss.

Friday, April 17, 2009

What Kind of Person Are You?

Animals I think are great to have around. They really liven things up sometimes. But not everyone is into having the same animal.

Poll Results: Total Votes 8; Dog - 5(62%), Cat - 0, Fish - 1(12%), I Hate Animals - 2(25%).

I'm a dog person. I just love dogs. They're cool, and they have plenty of uses. Not to mention that when I was younger we had the best dog ever. Max. That was an awesome dog, I don't know if I'll ever find one like him. Cats I could do without. I don't know why, I'm just not very fond of them. Fish are cool sometimes to, but they get boring after awhile cause there isn't to much you can do with them.

Then there are those people that just don't like animals. I don't understand this. Animals are great to have around. Why wouldn't you like them? Unless of course you just hate everything.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Snow and Moving Apartments Just Doesn't Mix

I have to move out of my apartment because they're changing it to married housing, and apparently single people aren't allowed to rent married apartments...

Anyway it's ok I guess because I was able to rent a room in the duplex that Chris is living in. Hooray! Unfortunately today was the only day I had off from school and work. Can you guess what happened? It snowed. And not just a light dusting, we got a pretty good amount for it being the middle of April. I really didn't want to try and move a bunch of large heavy furniture in the snow, so I didn't. I'm hoping that the weather will be nice on Saturday so that I can get the big stuff moved.

It's not like the whole day was a total waste. There was a couple of hours where the snow let off, and I was able to get a good amount of my stuff moved. Just not the heavy stuff. And since I didn't have any real responsibilities today I went to the gym with Alex, twice! I know you're not supposed to go twice in one day, but I've been kinda slacking. Who cares, I probably won't go tomorrow anyway. On a side note, what with all the physical training in the academy and going to the gym most nights, I've lost like 8 pounds. I'm back down to about 153, sad day.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Worst Sickness

I'm usually pretty fortunate in that I don't get sick all that often. But when I do it sure sucks.

With a total of just 4 votes: Common Cold 1(25%), Flu 0, Pneumonia 3(75%), Strep 0.

I couldn't agree more with this. Cold, flu, and strep can be bad, but when it's over it's over. Pneumonia is just bad. I remember one summer, when is seemed everybody got sick with either pneumonia or bronchitis. It sucked so bad. And after by time with pneumonia I've never felt the same. I've always felt that I haven't been to my full potential since then. Like it killed part of my lungs, and I just haven't been able to recover. At least I don't have it now!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Ugliest Animals

Sometimes the world can be pretty cruel. There are just some ugly animals out there that can't do anything about it, all because of genetics. I find it really funny when the owners of these animals, make them even uglier, and think they're the cutest things in the world. What are these people thinking? You know it's ugly, you know that everybody else knows it's ugly. Why pretend it's anything but ugly? I think what they're really doing is trying to get attention. They make these animals just as ugly as they can, and then say they're cute just to have people talk about it. How lame is that?

If it was me I'd either send them back to the dump where they belong, or put them in a freak show so everybody can point and laugh. That's all they're really good for anyway. A laugh, and venting some frustration at the best target.

Now not all creatures are made this way by man however. Some of them are born that way. In the case of those few we should quietly put them away somewhere so we don't have to look at them anymore.

I just don't know what to say. If it's ugly call it ugly. Don't dress it up and make it something it's not. We don't want to see it, we don't want to hear about it. Just put it away somewhere, so we don't have to deal with it.

You probably weren't expecting a Hillary joke. But what the hell, I figured it was time to remind everyone of my disdain for that woman. I really don't like her. Now go back and read the blog one more time and think of Hillary when you're doing it, it's even funnier.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Decorating is OK, Going Insane is Not.

I don't understand how any person could find this thing cute.

I find it just hideous, and scary. Why would you put up four foot tall rabbit people for Easter? How does that look nice, and how does it relate to Easter in the traditional sense. Along with that, who would put up a cartoon duck as an Easter decoration?

I just don't understand people sometimes. There's nothing wrong with being a little festive, but there's definitely a point where it's overkill. I think I've found that point.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Which Doritos Flavor is the Best?

Apparently Nacho is better.

7 votes - Nacho 4(57%), Cool Ranch 0, Salsa Verde 3(42%), Spicy Nacho 0.

Nacho is the classic doritos flavor, the problem that I have with it is that it gets boring so quickly. I can only eat that flavor in spurts. Meaning I'll have some, then I'll go a couple of weeks before I'll even want anymore. Cool Ranch is ok, but I have to be in the mood for it. Spicy Nacho is about the same as nacho.

Salsa Verde however is the freaking bomb. I love it. I could always go for some, not to mention it's got a different, and spicy taste to it that makes it a little more interesting then the others. Funny story I once saw Chris eat like an entire bag by himself. It was pretty amazing.

So nacho flavor wins. I guess I just have kinda different tastes.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Which Villain Would Make The Best Hero?

Here are the results:

6 votes - Lex Luthor 2(33%), Green Goblin 0, Bizarro Superman 1(16%), Magneto 3(50%)

I totally agree with Magneto being the best hero. He's got intelligence, charisma, courage, and a really cool power. Not to mention the fact that at the root of his cause, he just wants to improve the rights for mutants. He started out being good he just goes about it in the wrong way. And he's already best friends with Professor X, so it's not to hard to imagine him being good.

Lex Luthor and the Green Goblin I think would be basically Batman. They got everything Batman does. Money, smarts, skills, and the gumption to do something. Bizarro Superman would be a good candidate, but his main draw back is his lack of intelligence. He really is just Superman, but without the brains. That lack of intelligence is kinda what turns him into a villain.

Go Magneto!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Personal Training

Today was our first day of personal training in this session of the Police Academy.

My Stats:

Vertical Jump - 21 inches
Pushups - 38
Situps in a minute - 42
300 meter run - 53 seconds
1 1/2 mile run - 16.06 minutes

I think I improved in everything but the vertical jump and the mile and a half run. I'm pretty sure that the 10 pounds I've put on since the last time I was tested on these has had an effect. I'm not real worried about it. I think since I already passed the physical test in the first block I don't have to pass it this time around. Not that I'm not going to try, just that I'm not going to kill myself. And two minutes isn't that much time to shave off in 5 months.

The second part of the class was more defensive tactics. It was mostly just a review of the stuff from the first block. They changed a few things on us just because the curriculm has changed, but it all came back without to much effort. The really exciting thing is that with the new curriculm they have there's apparently more ground techniques. Translation we do more actual fighting!!! How cool is that? I get to go to school to learn how to fight.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Lincoln vs. Gandhi

I've decided to put a poll up on my blog, and every week people can come and vote on the question. Then at the end of the week I'll put up the results and discuss what I think about it.

The question was who would win in a fight; Abraham Lincoln or Mahatma Gandhi? With 8 votes altogether, 87% (7) voted for Lincoln and 13% (1) voted for Gandhi.

Now here's the thing. Lincoln easily has the height and reach advantage. He probably also has Gandhi out weighed to. But the thing that Gandhi has going for him is that he's proven that his body can take significant amounts of punishment and still keep going. I would also venture to say that Gandhi is probably a quick little bugger. Is Gandhi fast enough to take down Lincoln before Lincoln can beat Gandhi in the ground?

As with most of the others that voted I would have to say Lincoln would win in a fight. With the reach that Lincoln would have over Gandhi, I don't think Gandhi could get in close enough to do any damage. Lincoln would definitely win.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Academy Update

Today was my first day of the second block. We didn't do anything real big, just talked about what was going to be going on this semester. I think it's gonna be really good. There isn't as much law and "class" work, quite a bit of it will be practicals. Although theres a bunch more certification classes that we will be going through. It's okay, I'm just really excited to be going again.

Oh and I got yelled at today. I wore my baton to class, and apparently we aren't to be wearing it until we're certified to use it. Go figure.

Monday, March 02, 2009

A Kicking Good Movie and Provo is Lame

Just last night I wanted to go do something. It was kinda late, but I figured there were still some places open. I texted Alex and when she got off work we went to go do something. The only problem is that in Provo on Saturday night everything closes at 11. It was so frustrating, there was nothing to do. So we ended up getting some ice cream and tried to rent a movie. I say try cause the stupid red box wouldn't take my card. We then went to my apartment and watched Fight Club. I should also mention that we played a couple of games of tetris and I won like five games to her one, but who's counting. :)

Fight Club is an awesome movie. It's so intense. Brad Pitt and Ed Norton do fantastic jobs. The story line is just perfect, they do an incredible job of not giving away the ending. I get so into it everytime I watch. I just want to go out and start a fight with a complete stranger, just to see what would happen.

My 100th Post!!!

Yes this is a big moment for me. This is my 100th post! Pretty exciting I know. If you feel like sending me medals, or awards please feel free. I just want everybody to take a moment and think of their favorite moment with me, or favorite saying.

Life would be pretty boring without me around.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Walmart is a Whore

If walmart is a whore, what then is America? Especially since we go back to it time, and time again.

With that in mind, I watched another documentary. As I'm sure you guessed this one was about walmart. Walmart has a lot of shady practices, and treats it's employees like crap. I'm all for capitalism, but there comes a point where companies need to be curtailed in what they're allowed to do.

The biggest thing that annoys me is how they treat the employees. Low wages, no or very poor benefits, won't let them work overtime or even 40 hours. The real kick in the pants is that they make it a policy for people that are struggling financially to go and sign up for government benefits. When you tell your employees that the only thing they can do is to go on welfare, you've got a problem. Walmart needs to take care of its people. Give them more money, let them work. Walmart is a business, they are out to make a profit but I think they've gotten a little to greedy. They can spend a little more on employee benefits.

But the only real reason that this is allowed to happen is because Americans demand cheap goods. What they don't intend to happen is for walmart to push out all the other businesses in the area, and for resale values to go down. But that's what happens when a walmart goes into an ares, the economy of that area takes a hit.

If people stopped buying from walmart, walmart wouldn't be this giant multi-national corporation sucking the life out of Smalltown, U.S.A. I doubt however this will ever happen, people demand cheap stuff.

Monday, February 23, 2009

"Corn King"

I watched a documentary the other night entitled "Corn King." Its about, as I'm sure you already guessed corn. Now you might ask yourself who in their right mind would make a documentary about corn? And who would be so bored as to watch it? A couple of guys from Boston made it, and I was bored enough to watch it. It was actually a pretty interesting flick.

For starters these guys didn't set out to talk about corn. They set out to talk about the eating and the health problem in America today. They boiled it down to one thing, corn. Specifically high fructose corn syrup (corn sugar), the vast majority of processed foods contain this corn syrup. So they go to the corn capitol of the world, Iowa, to grow corn and see why corn is and has become a major staple of the American diet. I won't ruin it for those who want to go see it (probably nobody), but they bring up a very interesting point that even though corn is normally good for you, we've engineered and created a food state where corn has become bad for us. It's worth watching, if you ever have about an hour and a half to kill.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Let Me Tell You About My Valentines Day

The best part of my valentines day was getting a "mystery" valentine. It's not a huge mystery because they left it for Thomas Payne, and there are only like 4 people in the world who ever call me by my full name. Two of them just happen to be Aubs and Katie Kat. I'm pretty positive it was them that left it on my door step, and it brightened my weekend. Even though they left for California.

So the day starts out with me texting Alex till like 4 in the morning, about when we're going to go to the gym. I think we ended up saying like 9. That wasn't bad, but I had to get up in the morning to find it snowing, and then Alex bailed on the gym (I ended up not going either). I got my new glasses, and dropped off a couple of valentines. All that was before 11am. And that was the entirety of my production for the day. Literally.

I spent the entire rest of the day on the couch watching movies and sitcoms, eating a crap load of junk food. I think I ate like 3 or 4 pounds of candy. I started the day at like 159lbs and ended it at like 163lbs. I was stuffed and sick. And that was my valentines day in a nut shell.

My Tastebuds Have Changed Allegiance

I thought my favorite candy bar was snickers. The mix of chocolate, caramel, peanuts, and nougat was amazing. I could eat those all day everyday. And sometimes I would.

Recently however, it seems I've been leaning to a different candy bar. The Twix. That mix of chocolate, caramel, and crunchy cookie has been forcing its way into my heart, through my mouth. Now this could be a passing fad, and I could return to the snickers in the end. But I have my doubts. I think I have been converted to the Twix.

New Glasses

I got my new glasses on Valentines day. They're a lot like the old ones, just a little narrower. I didn't want to have to get new glasses but it probably was time. "Old Glasses"

Everything you shouldn't do to glasses I've probably done to these. And I mean everything. Melted, dropped in acid and various chemicals, dropped off roof, thrown across room, frozen, scratched, smashed, etc... So they got kinda beaten up.

I like these new ones, but they're taking a little to get used to. I'm having a little difficulty walking. I don't know if it's the new perscription or if I'm just retarded but just walking down the street or up stairs was a chore that first day. Oh well, here's to spending $320 I don't have to spend!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wonder Hostess

Wonder Hostess has got to be the greatest food brand, and store in existence. I say that because the other day I was at the gas station and saw those fantastic fruit pies. The problem was that I didn't want to be paying $1.40 for them (yeah I'm kinda cheap sometimes). Then I remembered that near our house there was a wonder hostess thrift store that sold all the wonder products at a discounted price. I figured that if there's one there got to be more. And I was right! I went online and looked and wouldn't you know there's one in orem. Awesome!

Suffice it to say I went and bought a box of 15 fruit pies, and they were only like 83 cents a piece. It turned into one awesome day.

Monday, February 09, 2009

At the Worst Possible Time

Why does it seem like really crappy things happen at the worst possible time? I was getting ready to go to work and I picked up my glasses, and wouldn't you know it but they break on me. The frame just snaps. What the crap? They broke in a spot that makes it very nearly impossible to tape back together. So I'm gonna have to go to like walmart tomorrow and get a new pair made.

It was the worst possible time because not only was I late to work (I had to find my sunglasses because I can't drive without a pair), but it happens the month before the police academy starts and I've got a lot of crap to pay for. I just hope nothing else goes wrong, or I'm really gonna be upset.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Not Near 185lbs.

Several months ago I made it a goal to get in shape, and put on some weight. I was going to post a pic of me every week to see if there was some improvement. I haven't done that at all. So here's the latest pics. This first one is just of me standing and not flexing at all.
Not a ton of improvement, but there is some. I'm up to 158lbs, with 13% body fat.

Here are a couple with me flexing.

I actually really like the way that I look. I might not be anywhere near my goal of 185lbs and 10% body fat, but I feel really good. It's safe to say that this is the best shape I've ever been in. Let's hope this trend stays up.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Ride Along

I went on a ride along with Drew the other night. It was pretty sweet. He's got the dodge charger as his squad car, and boy is it nice. Not only is it cool and fast, it's got some pretty sweet gadgets.

The night itself was pretty uneventful. Probably because of the crappy weather, but on the bright side there were to jet fighters parked at the provo airport that we got to go up and see. So it made up for not being able to catch any drunks.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Electric Shavers

I got myself an electric shaver. For a couple of reasons. First and foremost is that I cut my face up something fierce with a straight blade. And second I really need to shave like every day, especially when in the academy.

I have mixed feelings. On the one hand its easier and faster. And on the other it just doesn't get the job done as well. Maybe theres a trick to using it that I haven't figured out. I guess I can just use a blade for special occasions, but then what was the point of getting the shaver if I still need to have a blade around?

It must be a conspiracy to make us spend as much money as we can on as much stuff as we can. Capitalism at its finest!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Tai Chi

I was told the other day by Alex that I need to get myself a hobby, seeing as how I have way to much free time on my hands. I started my search at Barnes and Noble, since they have books on practically everything you could imagine. One of the things that caught my eye was a book and dvd combo on tai chi. I bought it. I tried it. I think I just might love it.

It's an introduction to tai chi. And it goes over the stretching and warm up stuff to do and then gets into some of the moves. I'm not super coordinated or smooth and it gets a little tricky for me. But I think that once I get it all down, it'll be super relaxing and a lot of fun. I don't really know why tai chi, but I think it's gonna turn out to be a good pick.

I also got books on stretching, and body building. I figured those would come in handy to.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

So Lazy

I didn't do much of anything productive today.

I got home from work, ate breakfast, went to sleep, woke up, exercised, ate lunch, went to sleep, woke up, ate dinner, went back to sleep, woke up, showered, went to work. That was my day in a nut shell.

I was gonna get a date for this weekend, but alas I fell asleep. What ever will I do with myself?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So It Is A New Year...

For starters I did finish the first block of the police academy. I got a 94% on the written and smoked the physical test. I'll be starting the second block March 4. WooHoo!

I've made a few new year resolutions:
1. Bulk up to 180lbs. (Probably not going to happen, but I'd be ok with 170)
2. Graduate the Academy and get hired with a police department. (I'm trying to talk to two departments a week)
3. Be in a steady relationship. (with a girl, I have been on several dates so far, just with more then one girl)
4. Read my scriptures on a regular basis. (I've started with the old testament)
5. Be more cultured. (Like theater, museums, and symphonies)