Saturday, November 24, 2007

Who's the idiot?

Apparently I work for some complete morons. Just try and explain this one to me. As I said in an earlier blog, they are planning on remodeling the bathroom at work. What they didn't mention is that they are doing it at night. Yes, that's right at night. And not just a semi-normal 6 to 11 type of thing. They're doing it from 8pm to 8am.

Does this seem stupid to anyone else? These kids are a little crazed as it is. Put them on no sleep and it's just gonna be a mad house here. And they aren't getting any sleep. The construction guys are loud! They're not even trying to be quiet.

I think there might have just been a little bit of poor planning going into this. But oh well, least I won't be the one getting my but chewed for it.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Danish or Muffin?

I love to eat. I really love to eat sweets. Which makes breakfast one of my favorite meals because it's the only one that you can get away with eating sweets and still be able to call it a meal.

Case in point, I opened my fridge this morning just before I went to bed and had quite a dilemma. I had to choose between a piece of raspberry danish or a jumbo chocolate chocolate chip muffin. Suffice it to say I had been up all night and my power of reasoning wasn't all that good. But on one side you have a tart and sweet pastry, that can be warmed up for extra goodness. On the other you have the all mighty lure of chocolate. I really just couldn't decide which I wanted more.

So as the danish was being heated, I ate the muffin. And that's when the thought occurred to me, how is this even a meal? There probably isn't to much actual nutrition in it, except for maybe the calories and carbs. It's really a treat that we've convinced ourselves could replace a proper meal. My solution, drink a glass of milk with it.

And oh yeah, who cares its only breakfast, and I'm gonna be sleeping for the next eight hours anyway.

Friday, November 09, 2007

I'm Rather Pissed

So, I want to move up to this house in Highland with Chris. It's his Uncle's house, and it's super nice. My current room mate Oz was going to move up there too. Now, for the last couple of months I was given a certain price for the rent. Then just today they decided to raise the price up $50 per person. Yeah it's only $50, and yeah the house is probably still worth way more then what we would be paying. The thing is we were told a price and that's what we were expecting to pay. You shouldn't just change it last minute and expect everything to be fine.

The original price was the max I was willing to pay to live somewhere. I don't need to pay tons of money for an apartment or anything. I'm not married, and I don't make a ton of money. I just wouldn't move into a place that costs that much. I've had to do a ton of crap to move up there. I had to change my schedule at work, because it will be an hour drive just to get there. I had to get someone to take over the apartment. I don't know what Missy will do if she can't move in. We just might be out of an apartment for awhile. Oz won't be able to afford it now, because he's being put onto part time at his work, not to mention the half hour drive it will take to get to work. And Oz's parents have put down a bit for him to move up there, not to mention looking at getting a bunch of furniture to put in there.

I can see where Chris and his Uncle are coming from, but I just think it's a load of bull that they would change the price at the last minute. Especially after everything that we had to do to be able to move in. If they had just said that price we would just have said no and that would have been the end of that, no problem. Now I'm just pissed. It's not just Oz and I are that's being affected either, it's a bunch of people. We won't move in at that price, he cant and I just wont. Its sad I really want to move in, but it sure pisses me off.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Flirting With Disaster

Here's an interesting little story. I went shooting this past weekend. I've got a fairly good gun, a Smith & Wesson 40ve. It's fairly well made, and I haven't had any major problems with it. I only put 50 rounds through it this time, but I wanted to take it apart and clean it. I get home and try breaking it down. For some strange reason it wasn't coming. For a while I couldn't figure out what was wrong with it, until I noticed that the bore spring was fully extended. I thought that was a little odd, but I'm able to get the spring out and the gun comes apart with ease.

That's when I noticed something was horribly wrong. The bore slider, that holds the spring compressed and keeps the two halves of the gun lined up, wasn't there. I think maybe it fell out when I was taking it apart and I just didn't notice. No, it wasn't there at all. It wasn't in my apartment, it wasn't in my car. At some point while we were shooting, it must have ejected out the front of my gun!

In case you don't understand, this is extremely bad. Any number of things could have gone horribly wrong. It really did scare the crap out of me, it could have blown up in my hand. I just couldn't believe it. Suffice it to say, on that day I was one lucky guy.

I of course won't be shooting it till I get that piece replaced. Not just because it's a very necessary piece, but I can't even get the gun back together with out that one piece. Holy crap that was nuts!