Monday, September 29, 2008

An Interesting and Fun Saturday...Except for the Damn Thieves

Besides the eight hours I spent in law class, I had a super fun Saturday. Aubrey wanted to get a group together to go out and have fun. She came over to my apartment and we tried to marshal the troops.

Eventually Katie came over and the three of us were going to wait for Chris, but we were starving so we went to TGI Fridays without him. It was delicious. Afterwards we headed to the theaters, but the only movie that we could watch was sold out. Katie had to leave to go attend to her little sis. So Aubrey and I went back to my house. Where Chris eventually came, and he wanted to eat and show off the new satellite radio he got in his car. We ended up going back to TGI Fridays, so Chris could eat and we got some dessert.

Then Aubrey had to leave, and I got a call from Alex, saying she was ready to go do something. So Chris and I went and picked up Alex, and headed to the Nickelcade where we met up with Chris' roommate Brady. The arcade was a lot of fun, but Alex "lost" her phone somewhere along the way. We back tracked our steps, and the only thing we could find was a group of hispanics. The owner was super nice, and let us look around after the place closed and even turned off all the machines so we could try and hear it... to no avail. (I've been calling her phone off and on since then, and I'm pretty sure somebody has it because the number of rings to get to the voice mail isn't always the same.) It pisses me off that people can be so inconsiderate, and just take things that aren't theirs. Yeah, it probably dropped out of her pocket, but the decent thing to do would be to turn it in. Not take it.

But we left a little disheartened and went back to my place and watched Meet the Parents. It was a good night but that one part about the phone really ticked me off. Oh well, I hope Alex doesn't hold it against me.

I'm Trying to Gain Weight

So in all actuality, my weight is about 155 lbs. I would like to put on another 20lbs. To do this I'll be working out (mostly with Drew), eating right, and drinking plenty of protein shakes. I hope to gain this weight by the end of the academy, so in like 10 months. That's really not to bad, just 2lbs a month. I'll be sure to keep you up dated on the progress.

This is a picture taken, September 26th. I'm going to try and take one every week. It should be interesting to see if there's any major change.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Are There To Many Laws, or To Many Stupid People?

So the Academy is still going really well. I had my first test just last week. I got a 96% on it. I'm learning a lot, mostly about the law. It turns out that I will never be able to learn all the law has to offer. Mostly because there are like 400 changes made to the law every year. When I first heard this I thought that was just plain crazy, but after learning more about how our system of government is set up it kinda makes sense. Apparently anything is only a crime if it's written down as law. Which means that for every horrible thing that is in the law, somebody had to do it, and get away with it before it became a law. That actually pissed me off to think that a criminal could get away with a heinous act just because it wasn't written as a crime. I just hope that the law can keep up with technology, so that the next wave of crazies don't get away with to much.

Speaking of things that piss me off... I found out today that my roommate didn't pay his share of the electric bill, again! Not only was he reminded to get it done several times, the bill was on the fridge in plain sight the entire month, and he still didn't take care of it. What's even more infuriating then that is the fact that at the beginning of the month he was complaining he didn't have the money for the $16 bill, but he some how comes up with the money to buy a $100 air compressor. What the crap? I couldn't even talk to him about it today. If I had tried, I know I would have blown my top. There just isn't any excuse for that kind of irresponsibility. I mean I don't really care what someone does with their money, just so long as they take care of the things that will adversely effect me first. Not go spend it on some frivolous thing.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Girl? Go On...

So I've gone on a couple of dates with this girl Alex (Alexandra). Things have been going really well. She's smart, and funny, and down to earth. I believe she's an Accounting major at BYU, although she's not set on that yet. She's kind of a tomboy, but she does know how to be a lady. She also knows how to take as well as dish out the jokes. It seems we have a good time together, and like doing a lot of the same things.

We went on a date to Los Hermanos, and then to Comedy Sports, which was a ton of fun. And we hang out a bit, and make each other laugh. On Saturday, we're going to hike the Y and have a picnic. I expect it to be just as fun as everything else we've done. Just so long as it doesn't end up raining. I kinda like her, and I think I may just have to pursue this relationship a little farther.

Another Academy Update

I have come upon a slight snag in my plans, but luckily it's not my fault. It's UVU's fault, because they're retarded. I found out that I couldn't pay the tuition for the academy because I'm apparently not a student at UVU. Which doesn't make sense because I have a Student I.D. number. And I was pretty sure that they only gave those out to students of the school. Luckily my instructor understands that it's not my fault and said that they would get things cleared up as soon as possible, and that I need to be coming to class, since it's not my fault and I've done everything that I was supposed to do. Oh well.

On the bright side of things, I have started classes and they are going really well. Today I had my first physical training assessment. I was very pleased with how it went. I did have a cold, and was pretty tired, but here are the results.

Vertical Jump: 22 & 1/2 inches, requirement - 17 % 1/2 inches. Funny thing about this is that I was a jumper in high school, and wasn't to worried. But they tell you this special way of jumping that they want you to do. And I just kinda walked over to it and jumped, and got 18.5 inches. I started to walk a way but the instructor was like Good job, now come back here and do it the right way. I did and got the better height.

Push ups: 25, requirement 20. They're military style press, and the hard part is you can't stop at all, or readjust, to do so means you're done.

Sit ups: 32 in a minute, requirement 25, or 28 in a minute I can't remember. I would have gotten a lot higher, but several didn't count. They require that your hands be covering your ears, unfortunately my hands are freaking huge and they covered my ears, while also being interlocked behind my head. That was apparently unacceptable.

300 meter sprint: 51.5 seconds, requirement 64 seconds. That felt good.

1.5 mile run: 17 minutes, requirement 15 minutes. Yeah I didn't pass that one, but it was immediately after the 300 meter sprint, and I have a cold. But I'm not worried, I have 9 months to shave 2 minutes off.

All in all it was a pretty good day.

Monday, September 01, 2008

A Night On the Town

I got a call from a friend from work asking if he could work my Saturday afternoon shift (he needed the extra hours). I quickly agreed. And I just as quickly tried to set something up so that I could take full advantage of the situation.

I got a hold of my friend Aubrey, and we had a night out on the town with a couple other friends. We first went to pick up Tim, and then went to a birthday party for one of the guys at work. We didn't stay to long because we didn't know anybody. We then decided to get a hold of our friend Alex (Alexandra is her full name, so you don't think that it was just a bunch of guys and Aubrey), and one of Tim's friends, Aaron. On our way to get them we noticed that Provo was having some sort of Hispanic Festival on center street. After we picked everyone up we went down to this. It turned out to be more of a flea market then any real festival. But I did get a blue light saber, and Aubrey had fun with it. Especially the part where she attacks Alex. (Not really, but we all know she wanted to hit somebody)

It was close to time for me to head out and go to work the grave, but we had one more stop in store. Spoon Me! It's a frozen yogurt shop, and it's actually really good. They have some odd types of frozen yogurt, but they have very fresh fruit, so it evens out. It seems to be a pretty "hot spot" because every time I go there the place always has a fair number of people. Then I had to call it a night, I had to be off to work. But it was all around a really fun night.

I'm In!

I have a spot in the fall 2008 Police Academy at UVU. I turned everything in, I talked with Capt. DeMille, and I got my uniform. I start September 9. Its gonna be awesome!