Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Three Strikes Rule

Ok, so here I am, 23, in Provo, Utah. I've been out on a date once or twice, and there are many things about the "dating" scene that I think are just retarded. My biggest problem is the whole; do I like her, does she like me, should I ask her out again, what should I do? I came up with the 'Three Strikes Rule.'

These rules really only apply when you are first meeting someone/slash dating them but haven't gotten all that serious with them yet. If this person gets three strikes, they are out. You don't call them, hang out with them, or socially interact.

Now you can give strikes for any number of reasons. Anything you don't like about them is a strike. If they are liberal, or vegetarians, or have an annoying laugh. You can take strikes away too. For things you like about the person, if they are a really good cook, or a just hilarious. It all has to balance out. But once you get to three strikes, it's over.

There is also an automatic, no refunds strikeout rule. If you ask them out three times in a row, and she denies you every time, it's over. Let's face it, if you deny someone three times in a row, you're probably not interested. So just cut it. And even if there is interest from the other party, they obviously aren't making any effort, so again cut it. This one is the end all rule, you can't go back on it. Now there is a clause on this, if she ends up calling you up and asking you out, then you can be in play for one more round. But under no circumstances are you allowed to make the move, and try again. Even if an opportunity presents itself.

These are my rules, and I try to live by them. There are probably a few girls that have wondered why I don't call anymore. Well there you have it. I know there are a couple of girls that have gotten the no refunds strikeout rule, and wonder why. Yes, I might like them, but they hit that mark, and I gots to stick to my rules.

You win some, you lose some.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wool socks and thermal underwear are the bee's knees!

I have fun when I put my bum in a seat.
Because I've got wool socks on my feet.

Wool socks have to be the greatest invention since sliced bread. They're soft, warm, and oh so comfortable. I do love getting new socks, but getting new wool socks is just a huge step up from the normal.

I'm reminded of that one Christmas that all dad wanted was new socks. And at the time I thought that it was a little bit odd, if not closer to crazy. Yet now, I understand why he would want that. Heck, I could even see myself saying the same thing. I love wool socks. The one down side though is that I can only wear them with my boots. My other shoes don't fit when I have the wool socks on. It makes me sad, and I almost go out and buy bigger shoes, but then that really would be crazy.

Then I come to thermal underwear. You know you look like a dork when you wear them, but man o man, on a cold day they can't be beat. Say you wake up, and your face is cold and you think if I get out of this bed it's gonna be freezing. Then you realize, I'm wearing thermal underwear. Hurray! You can get out of bed without being cold. That's one thing I hate, getting out of a nice warm bed into a freezing cold room. I think that is why I was always late in high school, I didn't want to get out of the warm bed. That's not a problem now. I wear the long johns, and I stay just as warm as ever. Not only that, but when I go to work the graves,and the furnace isn't working and it drops below freezing outside. I can wear the thermals there too, and not have the slightest problem with the cold.

To me it's just so nice to be in the cold when I've got the warmest, most comfortable clothing possible. The only down side is that the thermal clothing is just a bit more expensive. But it's worth it!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

An Awesome House

So Christopher made a proposition to me... If I would move into the house that he is staying at? I said yes.

It's up in the Highland, Alpine area right at the mouth of American Fork Canyon. It's freaking sweet! The house has, 4 bedrooms, 3 showers, 1 other toilet, 3 fire places, and is just insanely huge. I can't express in words just how cool this house really is.

We are gonna have so much fun up there. Partying, and playing all the time, just like we used to when we were younger. I can't exactly say we're grown up, since we still find fart jokes hilarious! My roommate Ozz is gonna be moving up there to. It'll be kind of a long drive to work, but if I do just doubles, it'll work out, and Chris might get me a job at the place he works at too. I can barley contain my joy.

Now all I have to do is sell my contract. Let's hope Missy will be able to take it off my hands.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Your Tax Dollars at Work

My place of employment is almost entirely funded be the government.

It makes me mad when I work with a kid that is illegal. When I mean illegal, I mean he's got no papers, can't speak much english, and ran across the border. He comes to our country and breaks the law. (other then the whole coming over illegally) We know he shouldn't be here and yet we don't deport him or his family. Instead we spend 10s of thousands of dollars, keeping him here. Trying to clean him up, and fix the errors of his ways. That really pisses me off, lets fix it by sending him back to his own country, and letting them deal with it.

I come into work one day, and my boss is telling me about some of the new renovations they're gonna be putting in. My favorite is the $70,000 be put into a new bathroom. Yes, that's right seventy thousand dollars being put into a new bathroom. I heard this and I thought there's no way they can spend that much on a bathroom for these kids. Kids that have a pretty bad habit of destroying everything they get. I ask him if what I heard was correct. Yes it is.

It's one thing to want to help these kids. It's an entirely different thing to be wasting that much money. These kids don't take care of anything, let alone a bathroom that isn't even in their house. I just see this ending very tragically. I can see the need for up keeping, but dang that's a lot of money.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Afraid You Say, but Why?

Why do we get scared? Why do we get scared of things that aren't there? Why does our mind play tricks on us that put us into hysterics?

You're walking in the woods on a dark night. The hairs on the back of your neck stick up. Your pulse starts beating just a little bit faster. You can't see very far, but you feel certain something is there, just behind you, waiting to pounce. You say no, there can't be anything there, there isn't anything there. Yet with every passing second you get more scared, and are completely certain that something will jump out at you. Even though you are certain nothing is there. You walk faster. You won't look behind you cause you feel something is there. It's right behind you on your heels, you begin to panic a little bit. Even though you know nothing is there. You won't stop for anything. You just keep going. You can't stop until you are completely safe, even though nothing is there.

What the crap is the point of that? Don't tell me it hasn't happened to you. Maybe not that exact scenario, but probably something like it. You get scared for some unknown reason. It might not even be to a really high degree, but you just feel it. I don't understand. I'm walking outside at night. Yes it's dark, yes it's very quiet out. I've done it a hundred times, and yet every once in awhile I think something is there. Nothing is, I can look all around with my flashlight, find nothing, and that feeling stays with me.

It kinda gets me mad. Why? Why does that happen? Is that mind just so polluted with horror stories that anytime you're out and about it'll start making one for you? Why can't the rational mind win? You know for a fact nothing is there, but that feeling just won't go away. I'm not one to be scared all that easily. Movies don't do it, nor haunted houses. But every so often my mind will play tricks on me that I just can't shrug off.

I understand being scared of water, or heights, or death, or public speaking. But to be afraid of an imaginary thing just doesn't fit. You have control of yourself in almost all aspects, but this is just above you somehow. The only thing I can do is when I start to get that feeling, I stop and I face it. I look all around and wait, until I've gotten control of myself and calmed down. I can't stop it, but I sure as heck will face it head on.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I Love My Job

I work at a group home for juveniles. I love working there.

I like my co-workers, and for the most part the kids there are pretty good kids. There are a few exceptions but for the most part they're good kids that have just made a few stupid mistakes. And drugs are one of the mistakes that even if you make it once you are screwed. So it's a pretty easy going environment, and I don't actually have to do all that much, and nothing physical at all. Which is a nice change from working at the car wash.

I also like it because when I'm done with work, I'm done with work. I don't usually have to worry about it when I'm not there. I do sometimes think about what happened and what I can do better, but I don't obsess over it. More importantly I don't go to or leave work in a foul mood. I think it's mellowed me out quite a bit. A don't get as upset about things, and I really am not a mean little cuss all the time. I am sometimes, but that's just me. It's just really nice not to be angry all day every day.

When I was working at the car wash, that was my life. I went over every minute of every day, and every customer that I saw, and couldn't let the smallest irritation go. I obsessed on it, and it made me mean. I hated going to work, I hated being at work, I went home and dwelled on how much I hated work. That's not saying I didn't have fun. I some of my best friends worked there with me and we did some fun/crazy things. But when I wasn't with them, or when we all had a crappy day, that's just how it was. I giant load of crap. It wasn't fun, I was always angry, and everyone around me knew it. I don't know why I stayed that there that long. Or why I fooled myself into thinking it was so great being there. Everything is 20/20 in hind site.

I don't know. But someone once told me if you hate going to your job 3 days in a row, you should look for another job. I think I might just have to stick to that from here on out. It sure does seem to be true.

Monday, October 15, 2007

A Weird Encounter in Bed

I was in bed late one night, fast asleep. When all of a sudden I get a tap on my shoulder, and someone tells me to move over. To tired to argue, or even care, I did. Next thing I know this same person decides to climb into bed. This gets me to be a little bit more attentive, and it turns out to be a man. A man I don't recognize. I proceed to go back to sleep because like I said it was late and I didn't have the energy to care.

He says, "You're really warm."

I say, "Thanks."

He asks me, "Do you know who this is?"

I look up and no I don't. At this point he decides it's probably a good idea to get up and leave. I go back to sleep. The next day I ask my roommate about it and it turns out the man was our friend Jeff trying to be funny. It did turn out to be pretty funny, but he did take his life into his own hands since I do sleep with a loaded weapon under my mattress. I don't know what he was thinking but man it was weird. I wouldn't suggest for any other men to try this again. But it would probably be a nice surprise if a woman decided to try!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Devil Lives in a Shower Head

The shower head in my apartment is EVIL! It doesn't matter what you do, how oh so carefully you try and finesse that temperature, it always comes out scalding hot. I kid you not it's almost straight steam coming out of there. Then when you think maybe it's gonna cool off and you almost have a good temperature, bam it'll be even hotter then it was before, or even worse as it occasionally does all the heat will leave. I swear there were a couple of times that I got hit by ice. Not only does the temperature fluctuate to the extreme, it shoots out at like a 100 mph.

It's insane. I dread going in there just because I know I'm going to lose like two layers of skin. My thought is that there is some kinda of water demon living in there and is out to get us. How exactly do you get rid of a water demon? With an Earth demon. But then I would always be coming out of the shower dirtier then when I went in, and that isn't good. Maybe I'll just have to start rubbing myself with an sos pad everyday. Yeah that's the ticket.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Winter is Coming!!!

Is it cold where you are yet? Cause at the moment I am pretty stinking cold. Now I do love the winter but I hate being cold and not being able to do anything about it. It's one thing if you can wrap yourself up in a blanket, or go warm up by a nice roaring fire. It's completely different when you're stuck at work, and forgot to bring a jacket and the temperature drops into the 30's. I don't really like that at all. Not much I can do about it now.

Unless of course I could somehow grow a thick coat of hair. Then I would never be cold no matter what. The problem with that though would have to be when summer comes back around. Either I will die of a heat stroke, or that would be some nasty shedding. Or since I probably will be moving to Canada, I could just go a little farther north and then there wouldn't be a problem at all. It'll just be cold year round. I really hope Hilary doesn't win.

Whats the deal with sleep?

At the moment I am so insanely tired, I can barely function. It's hard to think, it's hard to talk, it's hard even to move. All because I haven't gotten my sleep.

Why is it that without sleep our bodies will just shut down? Oh you can prolong it for a short period of time. Possibly up to a week, but eventually your body will take over and you will be out. Then a couple hours later, magically you're back to tip top shape. You don't even really have to make up all that lost sleep, just the regular 8 to 10 hours will do! Why can't I just sit here and not do anything to strenuous and get the same benefits? What is it exactly about sleeping that makes you function that much better?

I think it's kinda like a reboot for your mind and body. Like you got to many things going so you need to turn off for awhile and restart all your processes. It's a little weird to think about but it kinda fits. The only part that doesn't, is that you really aren't turned off. The mind is still going. It doesn't turn off. You dream and your subconscious takes over and does it's thing. Which then goes back to the question if you aren't really off, then why can't you sit and not do to much and get the same benefit?

I just can't figure it out. Although that might just be because I am so tired and I can't think so clearly.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Holy Age of Empires

It would seem I have been out of the family game night way to long!

I finally got on to play AOE this Thursday, and was astonished at the transfiguration that has taken place in every ones style of playing. You guys really had some challenging and well thought out strategies. I didn't get to see the end of the game, but from what I could see it would have been a blood bath.

All this means is that I'm just gonna have to spend a little extra time playing and relearning all the different civilizations and strategies in this game. Things just got a whole lot more interesting.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Other Natural Flavors?

So I'm sitting here drinking a code red mountain dew. I just happen to look down and read on the label it says "with a rush of cherry flavor, with other natural flavors."

I taste the cherry, but what about these other "natural" flavors? For one thing I don't think there is anything natural with mountain dew. Let alone the flavoring that they put into it. Why can't they just say what the flavor is? Are they trying to hide what it is from all the other companies that want it? Or do they not know whats actually in it, so they just put out the blanket term "natural flavoring."

I bet what they are talking about is all the natural flavor from the metal can, or the machines, or the midgets that swim in it to stir it all up. That's probably the natural flavor. If they were putting other fruit flavors in it they would just say, orange, or lemon, or grape. It would have to be something strange that they don't want to put on the label because nobody would drink it, or even eat it for that matter. It's not just soft drinks that do it. Many processed foods have the added useless information of other natural flavors.

Give me a break if it was a natural flavor you would just say it out right. It doesn't make to much of a difference to me, I'll be shoving it into my mouth either way. But at the very least I would like a little bit of honesty.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Thinking About Moving to Canada

So Chris and I were talking the other day about what might happen this up coming presidential election. We were talking about the candidates and I was hoping Rudy would win. However the point came up that it looks pretty stinking likely that Hilary will have the best chance of making it. This is upsetting.

It's not that I have a problem with a woman being president. The problem is that I think she'll do a horrible job. I strongly dislike the liberal ideas, and I don't think she would be very stong in the world defence arena. You see her and you would think maybe it wouldn't be so hard to attack america. Especially since she is so anti military.

What I want in a President is someone who is strong. Someone who will face anyone and aything without ever backing down. I could care less what the world thinks about America. Especially France and Germany. When they can stand up for themselves then they can talk about what we should be doing. Until then they need to shut up. I want a President that will see any threat to the safty of the U.S. and to Americans, and kick their buts.

So seeing as how that probably won't happen if Hilary becomes President, Chris and I are going to move to Canada. Probably Ottowa. You know I don't particulary like Canada but at the very least I won't have to be here with Her as president. Canada most likely won't be that bad, they're usualy pretty friendly, and have clean cities. It might actually be fun.

If anyone else wants to join come along, we could caravan it all the way up, and then metaphorically give her the bird as we go over the border. HAHAHA!!! Let's get ready to go.

Monday, October 08, 2007

The Muppet Test?

You Are Animal
A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts.You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary.But you sure can beat a good drum."Kill! Kill!"
The Muppet Personality Test

Sunday, October 07, 2007

I'm soooo tired. And a date in review!

Yeah I'm tired. I've gotten very little sleep in the last couple of days. I got home from work at 10:30 Saturday morning. I woke up at like 3:30 to go on my group date. In between 11 and 3 I must have gotten like 5 phone calls and a dozen texts. Most were about this group date that I seemed to be in charge of. I get home at like 1 in the morning and have to be at work at 8. I so didn't want to work. I finally get home and crash on my bed. When John called me to go to dinner I was so out of it it took me like 5 minutes to get out of my apartment. I didn't know where I was or what I was doing. Anyway the real point is that caffeine is a wonderful thing. And nothing would really happen if we didn't have it.

For the date on Saturday we planned on going to a haunted corn maze, then going back to Chris VanRy's new awesome house to watch 'Children of the Corn.' I went through like 3 girls before I was lucky enough on Friday to find a girl that could actually go. It just seemed like nobody could go out. Her name's Melony, a different Melony from the Snitckers girl. She's a whole lot of fun. And out of the blue Nathan Jayme was in town with his girl to. It turned out to be an old school NY date night. Which is it was pretty stinking awesome cause when you get all of us together we tend to feed off each others energy. We didn't end up going to the corn maze cause it was rainy and so bloody cold it would not have been all that enjoyable out there. We moved on to phase two of the date. The movie. It really wasn't all that scary, but man o man it was hilarious because the girls we were with could not take it. Not one little bit. They were freaking out at the mere mention of something about to happen.

It was a good date though. A very October date with the haunted maze, apple cider, and all that. Mel is pretty stinking funny, and we had a lot of fun. I think I'm gonna ask her out again. Yeah I was tired, and yeah I might not have been totally into it but, I would give the date a 7 out of 10. I did have a lot of fun.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Strange Nights

Working graves at the group home is a very interesting experience.
It seems that at least 75% of the kids here talk in there sleep. Even then there night time activities vary widely. From just grunting and moaning, to swearing and screaming. Some carry on conversations with themselves, in several languages. While others move around or even get up and ask strange questions. My favorite by far are the kids who quote the rules in there sleep, makes me feel good that they do actually know the rules, whether they want to follow them or not.

It makes me wonder if they have these night troubles because of the drugs or the other way around. Are people with slightly off kilter brain functions more likely to gravitate to drugs? I would like to know if someone has studied this.

The next question is; does everyone have these night time troubles or is it just these kids? As far as I see it there is a bit more then the average number of night time troubles with these kids then with all the other people I have been around at night. Although I guess it is possible that I just don't realize that anyone else is doing it cause I too am asleep. It sure does make me wonder.

Let The Games Begin

It has finally happened. I put an additional 1g of ram into my computer, and I got the internet up and running at work!

The extra ram makes my AOE work quite a bit better. I can hopefully meet up on Thursdays, and play with the Payne Train. The internet at work just makes it so that I am much more appreciative of the fact that I have a laptop, and that when I get these crazy ideas into my head I can just go and write it down. Instead of the more arguis task of trying to remember the next day what I was thinking at 3am. I think we all know that at 3am its really hard to make sense of anything, let alone trying to make sense of it 12 hours later.

So bring on the fun. It's party time!!!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Going For A Walk

I was talking to a friend the other day, and she was saying how she wanted to get back into shape. I mentioned hey you could go walking with me. Yes, I said go walking. I know it's like oh my don't strain yourself to hard there. I'm a realist, I know I don't want to run. Why bother fooling around saying I will, when I won't. There is nothing wrong with going for a walk either. You are still getting the blood flowing, and getting out to get some fresh air and sun. Nothing wrong with that. I love going for my walks, very nice and soothing.

By the way for those saying that walking is nothing, what are you doing on a regular basis to stay physically active? Don't be making fun of me if you ain't doing anything but sitting on the couch.

Monday, October 01, 2007


I really like lunch. Going to lunch is probably the best thing you can do during the day. Especially if you get up at like 11 in the morning. Get up do your thing and then you know what you're hungry. Bam! You can go get something to eat. You can go with a friend even a female friend and it's super laid back you don't have to get dressed up. You don't even have to be in all that of a good mood, and it's still okay. Then you eat and shabam you're magically in a good mood and ready to get on with the rest of the day.

I suppose you could probably get the same thing out of breakfast. But if you make plans to go to breakfast it seems that you have to get up and get prepared and look all nice. Some sort of unwritten law that if its breakfast it's something special and you have to get up and be nice and everything. Not with lunch.

I do love lunch so much, it just makes my day.