So there are actually a couple of girls that I'm interested in. They're cute and fun, and we haven't actually been on "dates," but we do hang out a bit. And I've come to realize there's a very important part to the relationship that I hadn't thought of before. And that's having a good conversation. Cause theres a big difference between just talking and having an actuall conversation. In a conversation theres a flow to it. It goes back and forth, and travels around without to much difficulty. Talking is just talking. You have a topic, say a little something about it and then it very quickly peeters out, and you have to start up with a new topic. Like the topic dies, and you're forced to plunge back in. A lot of the time it's questions with one word answers that give it away as just talk.
I've got to actually be able to converse with these females. I don't want/like to just talk. There needs to be an easy flow to it, that isn't forced, or it just aint worth it. I realized this as I was hanging out with these different girls, and with my friends. I was with this one girl that I thought I liked and I thought liked me (she would laugh at everything I said even if it was the most retarded thing imaginable), and I just had to force us to talk. It just didn't feel natural. Then I went and was hanging out with one of my good female friends, and the conversation just came so naturally. I could talk with her about anything for hours at a time it would seem. Maybe it's so easy becuase she is such a good friend, but it seemed to me like we have just always been able to talk like that.
I don't know, it just kinda shocked me that a "conversation" would be so important. And I'm not sure if I'm explaining it right, cause I know you have to be able to speak with someone, but it makes a huge difference when there's a natural flow and honesty to it. Or maybe I just really like my female friend.
8 years ago