I would have to say for the majority of people out there therapists are a waste of time and money. At the group home where I work (government funded by the way) all the boys here are required to see a therapist twice a week, once in a group setting and once individually. As far as I understand it they are there to try and kick their drug habits. However tonight when I came to work I heard one of the most retarded things I have ever heard come out of a human being.
There's a boy here, lets say he goes by Danny. Danny's therapist believes that Danny is to childish of a name for him, which allows him to act childish. So we need to call him something else, but not Dan or Daniel because that's to grown up. So from now on we are required (yes that's right they are making us do this) to call him by his middle name, Albert.
For starters, what the hell does this have to do with him kicking his drug habit? The only reason he is here getting therapy is to get over drugs, not to make him feel/sound more like an adult. Second of all what's wrong with calling him Danny? I'm 25, and I go by Tommy. Does that make me more childish? NO!!! People do what they want, how they want because its what they want, not what they are called. Also how is Albert less grown up then Dan? If anything Id say it's more grown up sounding.
Sometimes I don't know why we get away with some of this stuff. If more people could see just how wasteful and worthless the therapy is here, I'd be out of a job. If its gonna be such a big waste of time and money, just put the kids in DT for an extended period and then set them free. Isn't that how the adult justice system is?
8 years ago
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