Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Three People More Qualified to Recieve The Nobel Peace Prize then Obama

Why did Obama win the Nobel prize? Oh because he made a promise to change things. In that case I promise to change things to, do i get it next year? No probably not, but I think there are a few who deserve this much more then Obama.

How about Scooby Doo? He's spent like the last 40 years fighting crime and solving mysteries. Doesn't that deserve some acknowledgement? He's certainly done more then Obama.

There's also Santa Claus. He's made boys and girls happy for generations. That's way more then just making a promise about things.

I think the most qualified person to receive the nobel peace prize would have to be James Bond. He's been keeping the world from destroying itself for like 50 years! Sometimes you need a little fighting to create peace. It probably doesn't hurt that he's super cool. Way cooler then Obama.

So yes I think it's completely ridiculous to award the nobel peace prize to man who hasn't actually done anything for peace. If lets say in a couple of years he's actually created a lasting peace then yeah give it to him. To give it to him for a promise that he's made is a travesty. Mostly because promises made by politicians hardly ever come true. Shame on the Nobel Prize committee.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

I Tested With Lehi Today

I tested with Lehi today to try and get on their reserve program. I don't think I did to bad. The written part was a little rough, I hadn't studied anything, and there were quite a few things I didn't know. Hopefully nobody else knew them either. The physical test I did pretty good on. I did 33 push ups in a minute, 44 sit ups in a minute, a 17 inch vertical jump, and I ran the mile in 7 minute 30 seconds! Not to shabby, if I do say so myself. Then there was the oral interview. That went pretty good, they were really laid back and it seemed like they just wanted to get a taste of my personality to see if I was a fit.

It was a good day. There wasn't a lot more that I could do, so we'll see how it goes. Oh and as a bonus there were only 13 other people testing for the spot. That's a lot better then the 80 in Saratoga, or the 250 in West Valley...

Monday, October 05, 2009


I think I may be addicted to watching movies. I love to watch movies, they are so entertaining, and they can take my mind off of things when I just want to veg. The problem is there are sometimes that I don't want to do anything but watch movies. Ironically enough I came to this conclusion watching a documentary on people who play and live role playing games (i.e. dungeons and dragons).

Theres an organization that sets up live action role playing games where people dress up and live out their fantasies. There was one guy on there that was in his mid twenties, and hadn't yet gotten his high school diploma. He hadn't gotten it yet because instead of doing his home work (or even getting a job) he would rather play fantasy games. He made a statement along the lines that he knew he shouldn't play all the time and actually go out and do something but all he really wanted to do was play. He knew it was his addiction, yet there wasn't anything he was going to do about it.

Here's the thought that came to me. Sometimes all I want to do is sit on the couch and watch movies. I want to watch movies more then go out sometimes. Its my addiction! So I know I love movies and all, but I can't watch them all the time. I know I have my plants and the gym, but I need to do more. Here's what I'm thinking to knock down my movie watching; read more, date more, maybe take up a few hobbies.

The one hobby I've been thinking about lately is wood carving. Wood carving isn't my strong suit. I've done it before and I've just been terrible at it. But maybe if I spend enough time working at it I'll get good. I think it would be cool to do some wood carving. Like the staff dad has been working on. All I need is a good wood carving knife and some wood.

Anyone else have any good suggestions? So I can have a competing addiction for my movies?