Ok, so here I am, 23, in Provo, Utah. I've been out on a date once or twice, and there are many things about the "dating" scene that I think are just retarded. My biggest problem is the whole; do I like her, does she like me, should I ask her out again, what should I do? I came up with the 'Three Strikes Rule.'
These rules really only apply when you are first meeting someone/slash dating them but haven't gotten all that serious with them yet. If this person gets three strikes, they are out. You don't call them, hang out with them, or socially interact.
Now you can give strikes for any number of reasons. Anything you don't like about them is a strike. If they are liberal, or vegetarians, or have an annoying laugh. You can take strikes away too. For things you like about the person, if they are a really good cook, or a just hilarious. It all has to balance out. But once you get to three strikes, it's over.
There is also an automatic, no refunds strikeout rule. If you ask them out three times in a row, and she denies you every time, it's over. Let's face it, if you deny someone three times in a row, you're probably not interested. So just cut it. And even if there is interest from the other party, they obviously aren't making any effort, so again cut it. This one is the end all rule, you can't go back on it. Now there is a clause on this, if she ends up calling you up and asking you out, then you can be in play for one more round. But under no circumstances are you allowed to make the move, and try again. Even if an opportunity presents itself.
These are my rules, and I try to live by them. There are probably a few girls that have wondered why I don't call anymore. Well there you have it. I know there are a couple of girls that have gotten the no refunds strikeout rule, and wonder why. Yes, I might like them, but they hit that mark, and I gots to stick to my rules.
You win some, you lose some.
8 years ago