Apparently I work for some complete morons. Just try and explain this one to me. As I said in an earlier blog, they are planning on remodeling the bathroom at work. What they didn't mention is that they are doing it at night. Yes, that's right at night. And not just a semi-normal 6 to 11 type of thing. They're doing it from 8pm to 8am.
Does this seem stupid to anyone else? These kids are a little crazed as it is. Put them on no sleep and it's just gonna be a mad house here. And they aren't getting any sleep. The construction guys are loud! They're not even trying to be quiet.
I think there might have just been a little bit of poor planning going into this. But oh well, least I won't be the one getting my but chewed for it.
8 years ago
Are they insane? I'm betting there is some kind of regulation against this kind of thing going on at night when patients are trying to sleep.... Who are they regulated by? I think an email suggesting a surprise night visit might be in order
I think someone must be getting a kick back for the moonlighting.
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