Have I mentioned lately how much I despise Hilary Clinton? As part of her Presidential Platform she wants to strengthen America's standing in the world. She wants to do this by: ending the Iraq war; increase support of the U.N. and have them take care of the worlds problems; and begin sending money to third world countries so that children there can go to school.
1. Just saying you will end the Iraq war doesn't mean it will happen. She has no idea how to do it. If she did she would have already proposed it. And frankly I don't want to see troops pulled out. For starters I don't want to see the flow of oil to stop. That might not be a politically correct thing to say, but damn it I sure don't want to be paying $7 a gallon. And secondly there hasn't been a major attack on American soil. Hmm maybe that's because all the terrorists are busy in Iraq, fighting trained soldiers instead of over here.
2. The U.N. would not exist without the U.S. period, end of story. Also why would I want everything in the hands of a bunch of people that don't have my best intentions at heart? What's good for the world isn't always what's good for America. We're the biggest and baddest country around why shouldn't we act like it?
3. We don't have enough money to support our own schools, why would we be sending money to other countries to help theirs. You say that everyone needs an education. Ok, but where does it end? Even if they do get some education, they will still be at the bottom of the economic ladder, and it will all be for naught. Then you'll have to spend more of our money for higher education, because they will still be a third world country. It's a never ending cycle, until eventually we are the ones lagging behind. Bah why not put the money into higher education at home, so that we can have some one that can make something that can really help the world out?
In short the U.N. is worthless, and so is Hillary.
8 years ago
Hmmmm, ditto. Also, the UN has proven in the last 6 years just how inept, out of touch, and impotent it really is with the way it "tried" to handle the Iraq situation. What happens if Iran, Korea, and China all flex their muscles at the same time? Is the UN going to be able to do one little thing about it? NO! And, as long as we are on the subject, how could any thinking organization or legitimatley concerned faction give France (and I know some people will be offended) a vote in anything that goes on in the world? They won't even step up to defend themselves. And, their idea of how the world should function is skewed at best. I think that we need a president who won't be afraid to say to all those governments we are currently supporting financally, that they need to quit giving lip service as our "allies" and really do something or the gravey train is going to come to an abrupt halt. I don't think President Bush has gone quite far enough down this path. If he had said to Pakistan 3 or 4 years ago that he was going to freeze all the financial aide that we give to them until they coughed up Bin Laden, we would have had him right quick. If we were to have a woman as president, I think it should be a menopausal grandmother who raised a bunch of kids who are now functioning rather well in society with the backbone to say no to useless, ineffective, politically correct programs. Someone who knows the difference between a hand out and a hand up. Someone who could listen politely and then throw the fear of God into whoever is trying to manipulate her at the time. This is not Hilary Clinton. Just my opinion. Now I feel better.
Amen brother! I've always said if Hilary is elected president, I'm moving to Canada. I'm sticking by that. I'd rather move to some place warm, with a beach but I'm not independently wealthy yet. Hilary as president is one of those 2nd coming signs, isn't it?
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