Sunday, February 10, 2008

Flirting With Crazy

I've decided I'm going to make a conscience effort to go out and socialize with people. Face to face and have an actual conversation with them. Now here's my reasoning behind that...

Just a few days ago it was pay day. I was torn between going and spending my money, or squirreling it away and saving it. I really didn't know what to do. I was getting frustrated, and angry. On the one side there's the idea that its my money and I've worked hard for it. Why shouldn't I be allowed to spend it? And on the other, I don't want to be working for the rest of my life, and I do need a little back up for emergencies. The arguement was getting pretty heated, and vocal. When all of a sudden I yelled, "It's my money, why shouldn't I spend it?"

That's when I took a step back and realised, I was arguing with myself, out loud. I had a bit of a laugh over it and thought wow, that's getting a little nuts. Not like call the men in white jackets nuts. More like the old man, in the winter coat, in the middle of summer, yelling at the sky. I do not want to become that man. And if I were just to let the course follow where it's going, I would bet money that's about where it would end up.

My solution is to talk with every person I meet. Doesn't have to be much, but just a greeting and some pleasantries. That's all, just to be vocal. And most important to have an actual person there, so I don't get used to talking to myself.

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