As I walk through life I see things that could spell the downfall of American Civilizaion if they aren't curtailed soon. The top three being; internet dating, drugs, and gay rights.
Internet dating is a travesty. It lessens inter personal skills, and gives a hollow meaningless impression of the real thing. Now I'm not against using the internet to find people of a like mindset. I'm against the idea of carrying an entire relation over the internet. People need to have physical contact with eachother, not only that they need verbal communication. Typing to one another doesn't get the whole idea out, or for that matter you can't truly know someone without meeting them face to face. I believe internet dating hurts our articulating ability, our ability to interact in a normal environment, and in the future could absorb our entire dating interests.
Do I really need to expound on drugs? Drugs are a scourge in America and we should treat it as such. It destroys people, familys, and communities. I work with kids who have almost completly ruined their lives because they were under the influence of drugs. Now that's not saying they're not responsible for their own actions, but once you are hooked, that's pretty much it, game over. It's next to immposible to kick the habbit by yourself. Some of these kids will never be able to kick the habbit. Some will die becuase of it. Some will spend the rest of their lives behind bars because of it. Some of these kids have done irreperable damage to their bodies and minds. These kids are a strain on society already, and they're just kids! Most will be a strain or hinderence for years to come.
Gay Rights just annoy me. Specificaly gays being allowed to marry and adopt kids. Problem number one, marriage is between a man and woman. End of story, it can't get much clearer then that. If you cross that line where does it end? Eventually someone will come along and want to push it even further. I don't need to expound on that but I'm sure you know where I'm going. Gay marriage destroys the moral fibre of family. A man and woman compliment each other in all things (remove the points that cause fights, divorce, and people that rushed into marriage out of the equation). That does include running a house, and raising childered. But it's also on an emotional and psycological level. Together they equal a whole piece. That's how it was ment. You can't dance right with two left feet. You need a left and a right to do it properly. And aside from that whole aspect becuase someone could argue it's all about personality (it's not by the way), if there were only gays in the world the human race would end in a single generation. Does that in itself not explain the unnaturalness of "gay?" That seems pretty self explanitory to me.
It seems to me the Human Race is the only one that is bent on destroying itself through its own actions. Actions that can be stopped if we just try to take adequate steps to solve it. But alas we don't or won't.
8 years ago
Have you considered going back to school and persuing a degree in journalism so you could have a bigger audience? You could be the Andy Rooney of your time. You have quite a large following at Louis Lazar...
What's "Louis Lazar?"
I must say, your attention to detail is fantastic. I had no idea that homosexuals' problems were self-evident. Gee! I sure wish _I_ knew that before I realized I was gay. How silly of me to ask for common decency and safety when I walk down the street with my boyfriend.
And of course I chose to be the bane of society, a whipping post for people who were fortunate enough to develop a healthy, regular sexuality. I just _love_ being made into a laughingstock so much that I chose to be this way! Silly me. Your words have moved me to change.
Oh, and nice touch on leaving an open door about where people will "push the limits." Hilarious. I guess you couldn't be bothered to actually make a point here.
Persuasiveness depends on exemplifying your point. In other words: no examples, no persuasion. Blind hate is never pretty.
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