Besides the eight hours I spent in law class, I had a super fun Saturday. Aubrey wanted to get a group together to go out and have fun. She came over to my apartment and we tried to marshal the troops.
Eventually Katie came over and the three of us were going to wait for Chris, but we were starving so we went to TGI Fridays without him. It was delicious. Afterwards we headed to the theaters, but the only movie that we could watch was sold out. Katie had to leave to go attend to her little sis. So Aubrey and I went back to my house. Where Chris eventually came, and he wanted to eat and show off the new satellite radio he got in his car. We ended up going back to TGI Fridays, so Chris could eat and we got some dessert.
Then Aubrey had to leave, and I got a call from Alex, saying she was ready to go do something. So Chris and I went and picked up Alex, and headed to the Nickelcade where we met up with Chris' roommate Brady. The arcade was a lot of fun, but Alex "lost" her phone somewhere along the way. We back tracked our steps, and the only thing we could find was a group of hispanics. The owner was super nice, and let us look around after the place closed and even turned off all the machines so we could try and hear it... to no avail. (I've been calling her phone off and on since then, and I'm pretty sure somebody has it because the number of rings to get to the voice mail isn't always the same.) It pisses me off that people can be so inconsiderate, and just take things that aren't theirs. Yeah, it probably dropped out of her pocket, but the decent thing to do would be to turn it in. Not take it.
But we left a little disheartened and went back to my place and watched Meet the Parents. It was a good night but that one part about the phone really ticked me off. Oh well, I hope Alex doesn't hold it against me.
7 years ago