Title of Liberty; In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children. Captain Moroni is by far my favorite hero from the scriptures. He was everything a leader of men should be. I would follow him into the very gates of hell, if that's what was needed.
I don't exactly remember how we got to this in class today, but our instructor made a comment about how Police are Knights of the modern day. We serve and protect the innocent. Police have a shield that symbolizes the shields used by Knights of old to protect them.
Captain Moroni raised the title of Liberty to show what they were fighting for. Police (and hopefully me soon) are fighting for that same purpose. For the freedoms we have, for our families, for the innocent that can't protect themselves. The Powers of Good and Evil are at war. Both spiritually and physically. We must follow Captain Moroni's example, remember who we are and what we stand for. We must do all that we can to fight evil in all it's forms. Police are doing the work of God, let us take up that calling and be worthy to do the work.